into despair

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The large number of guards made seleir confused for a moment, "Oh my God, why are there so many guards? I am a girl and not a dinosaur!" She said . All those weapons pointed at her at once made her situation even more difficult A small movement and everything ends. She thought and thought and tried to deceive them with chatter until she finds a solution.
Seleir:" hey , easy... easy, I'm friendly, I won't move.. so why don't you lower your guns, huh !?"
Gaurd 1 :"be quiet!! ... drop your gun and get on your knees now !!
Guard 2 :"guys, if she moves shoot her !!
Seleir:" , there's no need to be violent, I can make it up to you...what do you think huh? Next week is my birthday, I'm having a party...and you can all come, there will be cake and music, It would be great, wouldn't it?
Guard 3: Amazing, I'll take that as compensation. I love birthday cakes!
Guard 1: You idiot, focus. No one is going to that party. We are on a serious mission and this girl is a criminal!!
Guard 2: "You two be quiet and focus!!"
Seleir:" Hang on, I have party invitations for all of you!!
Guard 2: "You shut up!
Seleir : "Too bad, who would I give all those invitations to...and..(Hello there)!?"
Guard 3: "Come on, drop your weapon now!!
Seleir: "As you wish, my dear... (After I detonate the gas canister behind them, they will be completely finished)"
In that moment seleir noticed gas canisters behind the guards,

She dropped her gun... To decieve them , and then , quickly held it before it reached the ground....a single mistake...and she is done , once she pulled the trigger, they all died and some of them were running out of limbs...
Seleir:" my birthday is not next week, idiots!! And if it was! you're not invited . Finally got rid of them, now I gotta keep going".
After that funny line , Which it is supposed to be funny, right after her great victory against the guards, she got felt suspicious about the statement they made before "PROJECT ZERO IS HERE , WE HAVE TO MAKE THE PLACE WARMER...
she kept trying to figure it out, is it some kind of codes !? that nobody else can understand but them. There was someone behind her... who... was one of the five guards she had previously escaped from. Without mercy, the guard approached seleir.... and hit her on the back of the neck with his weapon. This made her blackout.... she fell to the ground alongside the flying limbs..Among the blood and corpses!!
Guard: "Yes, sir, I caught her as you ordered, sir.
Mr.???: "Listen to me, well, if the girl runs away from you again, I will hold you responsible!!"
The guard: "Yes, sir, I will not disappoint you. I will guard her with all my effort, sir!!"
Mr.???: "Excellent, she is just a girl. I don't think she will run away from you, and if she does, you know the consequences....(Peeeep).
The guard: "Oh my God, my heart almost stopped out of fear. I'm lucky. He hung up".
Guard: "Now, I must carry this disaster and take her to the dungeon until an order comes from the master, I will give her an anesthetic injection just in case. If she wakes up before the specified time, that could be a problem."
The guard described seleir as a disaster, due to her extreme stubbornness and recklessness.

6 hours later...
Seleir:"Ughhh, my head, my head...! What...what...where??
Where the hell am I !?" It looks like I'm in...a dungeon? Ahhh what? These people are getting crazy!! what the hell!!...It's okay, I will find a solution.
Seleir felt frustrated for a moment, and began to rack her brain thinking about how she would get out and where to go. This made her want to discover more about this mysterious facility, which has guards without explanations, lights without light, and events without end.
The cell was pitch dark, and no one was there, only the silent walls. There was something strange...The cell was warm, or perhaps warmer, and as if it were a stove. The hot atmosphere confused Seleir, making her hallucinate and see shadows.Is this all because of the heat?

eleir:"Oh my God!?...It's so hot in here...Who...who turns on the heater in the summer!! What's happening to me...I feel dizzy...Is there something in this hot air?..I have to get out of here...I can't breathe anymore..."
Unfortunately, the cell door was an electronic door that had no key, and the only way to open it was by using a computer. The computer was far away from her reach, as much as it was very close it was also far away, on the desk.
Seleir : "Ha.. I remembered...I have a lock it was in my pocket..ah!! I found it, I found it, those scumbags took all my stuff, but they forgot to take what they should have taken.
On the door, she noticed a power adapter. It might be her way out of there. She opened the cover, a group of complex assemblies of wires in different colors. What a problem. Seleir has knowledge of these structures, thanks for studying them. Studying may save your life one day She had two ways: either to electrify it in order to turn off the security system, or to cut the wire responsible for the door's function. These two options were her last chance to survive. As time passed, Seleir's heartbeat quickened, and the heat made her more nervous, as if she was about to take an exam that she had no chance of failing.
Seleir : "Oh, no, I messed it up. I shouldn't have electrified it. This made the system more complicated." Seleir : "Well, I have no other choice. I have to try to cut the wires, although it is difficult because they are many and most of them are red. It is not my lucky day."She relied on her intelligence and decided to cut one of the main wires first...Cutting the wrong wire could be a problem. She had to be precise, the red wire, the yellow wire or the black wire.
She was confused between the red and black could be black or maybe red, who knows. At this moment, Seleir cut the red wire....
That was a wasn't the right wire...cutting the wrong wire caused an electric shock, She was bare-handed, but due to her quick reaction, she moved away before it was too late. The electric shock completely destroyed the door.. Seleir's only hope of getting out.. Her failure made her realize that she had to be patient and wait for someone to come. An hour passed while she was waiting. Suddenly the door handle moved, someone He was trying to open the door, but it was tightly closed. Perhaps it was the guard who locked her up, or perhaps it was her father. The handle continued to move, and then it stopped.... "What, has that person left?" said Seleir.
There was a moment of silence, as if the person had disappeared... Boom, the door broke....And a young man appeared With sharp eyes and a strong presence... who is he, friend or foe!?
Seleir : "Hey, hey, young man, can you help me?" ، The boy looked at her suspiciously...and did not answer her and turned away arrogantly. He completely ignored seleir. He was busy searching for some files on the desk.
Seleir : "Haa, what, what's your problem? Are you deaf or blind? Why don't you answer me, Haa? What will you lose if you open the door just for me?
Seleir: "Poor guy, he seems to be sick, may God protect him... Look, my father is a doctor. I can make an appointment for you with him if you want."
Young man??: "Get lost"
Seleir : "What...what's wrong with you?"Get lost" truly ?? Just look, open the door!! Wait don't go!....we'll make a deal "
the guy?? "Deal...what kind of deal?"
Seleir : "I will help you, whatever you are looking for, and in return you will open the door for me. Please agree."
Young man: "No thanks, I don't need anyone's help, good luck."
Seleir: "Wait...don't be in a hurry, I have...I have a map of the facility that might help you. You need the map and I need you to open the door."
the guy?? "A map? I might need it... Okay, give me the map."
Seleir: "Sorry, you have to open the door first. I can't trust you."
the guy?? :"I can't trust you either, the map and then the door!"
Seleir :" It is impossible. You will deceive me and take the map and then run away. Open the door first and then I will give you the map"
Young man??: "You are stubborn and bossy. Come on, just give me the map."
Seleir :"In your dreams, let's be logical. I can't escape from you. As soon as you open the door, I promise I will give you the map."
The young man??: "Okay, I don't want to waste any more time. I will open the door, but if you try to escape from me, you will regret it."
Seleir :"Ha ha, I don't regret my actions.
The young man opened the door for her as he promised, and then seleir decided to help him as she promised, but she needed the map as well, so she told the young man that there was a printer in her father's office and that it could be a solution for both of them by printing an additional copy for him.
Seleir: "Thank you, so what is your name? "I'm Seleir Hartmann."
Young man??: "Blaze, Blaze Rivera, did you say Hartmann?"
Seleir :"Yes, why?"
Blaze: "It's nothing, never mind."
After falling into despair
Seleir got out of the dungeon thanks to Blaze Rivera the mysterious young man, then they continued on their way together, hoping to find a way out .

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