Hold me

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Jungkook and annie both were sitting in the car.

Car stops with a halt. Annie looks up in confusion. They are not at the airport.

Jungkook opens the door. Driver gets down from the car, jungkook sits on driving seat.

"What are you doing Mr.jeon? " He starts driving.

"Wait? You left driver?" She said shockingly.

"He is not going with us." Jungkook replied firmly.

She looked back from the window there was no car behind them.

"Where is the another car in which your bodyguards were.?"

"They are also not coming with us."

"What? Where are we going?" She asked angrily this time.

"Look Miss Manager,I am sorry for lying to you but I wanna spend my time with you that's why all this..." He said

"So this all is your setup." She asked coldly.

He nodded his head as a yes.

"Are you crazy? How can you be so careless? You want to roam around like this without even any protection!" She said gritting her teeth.

The word protection made him to gulp his saliva.

"Stop The car." She said firmly.

"Please miss manager just two days Please....I want to know you more."

"Stop doing this!"

"Doing what??"

"making me feel special!" She looked away when she realised what she had said.

Jungkook stops the car and holds her hand softly.

"Trust me you are safe with me. Just give me these two days to put my efforts for making you mine. If I failed in these days then I promise I will never trouble you anymore. Just for two days...can you please forget that you are my manager and I am an idol. Just for two days live with me being yourself forgetting about everything,job,work,family, company everything..just you and me please...." He said softly looking into her eyes.

Her heart skip a beat listenning him. They were looking in each other's eyes. He raised his hand and removes her mask gently.

"And no mask." He said smiling warmly.


"And no mr.jeon....just jungkook."

She looked away trying not to melt at his words.

Jungkook takes her silence as a yes and again starts driving.

The car stops.

"Where are we mr.jeon?"

"Again mr.jeon, you make me feel like an uncle. I told you just call me jungkook."

"Where are we?" She asked again.

"Firstly call me by name." He teased her.

"Mr Jeon-"

"Call me jungkook." He said stepping closer to her.

"Please call me jungkook." He whispered looking into her eyes.

"Please" he whispered huskily.

"J.. jungkook" she whispered.

"Fuck" he breathed heavily.

How sinful it sounds from her mouth. How badly he wanted to kiss her at that moment. He just wanted to grab her by her nape and smash his lips on her so she couldn't breath. He wanted to hear his name again And again from her mouth.

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