two | fuel.

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Novak Household

Melissa suddenly bolted from her bed, realizing she overslept. Without hesitation, she races down the hallway, pounding on Cara and Julian's door.

"Guys, you need to get up; it's your first day of school, and you can't be late, you hear?" Melissa's voice echoes down the hall.

While Cara's scream echoed through the house, "Mom, how could you do this? I have to do my hair." In sheer panic, she ran out of her room and into the bathroom, dropping her clothes as she went.

Melissa finishes putting on her shirt, continuing  to bang on Julian's door and says, "Julian you better be up?" She waits for a response and continues banging until she has had enough and burst in.

Startled, Julian takes off his headphones, questioning, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"No headphones in the morning, do you hear?" Melissa demands, crossing her arms, while her tired eyes showed her frustration. 

Julian nods in understanding as Melissa closes the door, heading downstairs to prepare breakfast.

Rolling his eyes, Julian mutters, "Are you kidding me?"  He puts his headphones back on and lays on his bed.


Julian, now dressed and finally downstairs, spotted Cara and his mother enjoying breakfast. As he approached the kitchen, Melissa chuckled and remarked, "Julian, you're at an age where you can make your own food. That means getting up earlier if you want breakfast. I put everything's in the fridge for you."

Julian pleaded, "Mom, I'm already running late, and dad will be here any minute."

Cara pushed her plate towards Julian, saying, "You can have my food; I'm not hungry," her gaze fixed on the floor.

Melissa catches on and asks, "How about going upstairs to grab your bag"

Julian sighed, pleading, "Mom, I'm hungry!" Ignoring his plea, Melissa shot him a side-eye, and he trudged upstairs, shaking his head.

Melissa took Cara's hand, concerned. "Is everything okay, Carebear?" Cara, on the verge of tears, confessed, "I don't want to go to school without Julez."

Smiling, Melissa comforted her, "He's growing up, and so are you. One day, you guys will be apart. You'll see him again when he gets home from school."

Julian running down the stairs, demanding "When is dad supposed to be here?"

Melissa hesitated, "About that, Julian, there's something I have to tell you." Glen walked in, instructing Cara, "When I come back in, be ready to go." After closing the door, he disappeared into the garage.

Julian, confused, asked his mother, "What is this?"

Melissa explained, "Your father and I thought it would be best for you to ride the bus this year since your school is further away."

Stunned, Julian muttered, "I thought this year was going to be different." He headed for the door, but Melissa caught him by his hoodie. Julian jerked away, prompting Melissa to say, "You haven't even eaten yet."

Melissa pulling him closer, "Julian, you know we always give goodbye hugs."

Julian shook his head, stating, "I'm sorry; I'm too old for goodbye hugs." He pushed her aside, stormed out, and walked towards the bus stop.

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