Can't think straight?

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"So? How is everything going? " Her mother asked from behind her back standing in her room, looking at Eve.

She was sitting on her study table looking quite gloomy and dull. Overthinking perhaps?

"Oh!... Uh.. Yeah! Everything's fine. " She answered looking back at her mom.

" Are you sure? " Her mother asked with deep concern.

"Yes mum... I told you..... I'm perfectly fine~~" She replied as she sat up from her chair and moved to her mother to pull her into a hug.

" You know I know when you are lying right? " Her mother said with a straight face hugging her back.

"Hm... Ok fine! You got me. Now what? " She asked as she broke the hug and sat down beside her mother on her bed.

" What is it? Won't you tell me? " Her mother asked looking at her.

"You can't do anything about it. " She answered with full sadness expressing her face.

" At least tell me. I would try to help? " Her mother said worried.

"Hmm... Okie. Fine. So, basically....... I am having trouble to think of some good ideas and plot twists in my story. It's getting boring and all. I don't know what to do anymore. What to write and what not. Any ideas? " She asked telling her mother all about what was happening.

"Hm.. Serious huh? Can't think of a new idea? Well, let me tell you something. How about. You read some stories? Of other writers of course. When you will read it, you might get some new ideas? Like, everyone has a different way of thinking. Different wat of doing things. Different way of..... Writing. You would get some ideas of course. " Her mother suggested.

"Hmm... I know. I have tried that already. I have done everything I could. That's why I didn't want to tell you... " She answered with a sad face.

"Oh.... My sweetie. It's ok. I'm sure that you will find a way. Well... How about you take ideas from others? Other's life?  You know. Sometimes, other's lives influence us a lot. At times so much, that someone would want to become someone else. Live their life. But! I'm sure you can see what's around you and get some ideas. Writing off someone else's life can bring changes in us as well. Write their real life tragedy? Bring it to light? " Her mother said, trying to help her daughter.

"Oh! I never thought of that! That is SUCH a good idea. I couldn't ask for anything better! " She said as she hugged her mother and started skipping through her room happily as she went back to her study table and started writing off.
It looked like she had so many ideas popped up in her head that she couldn't stop writing.

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