Lesson Learned

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After a bit of writing, she took a break and went downstairs to get a snack. After some light eating, she started going back to her room when her mother stopped her and asked her, " So? How is it going sweetie? " With a genuine smile on her face.

"Oh! Mum. It's going really well! I'm so happy, and I also got a follower!" She replied.

"That is such a wonderful news dear. I'm glad it's going well. What did you write in your story? " Her mother asked appreciating her.

"Uh. I wrote that the character gets kidnapped and then everyone is killed. " She replied proudly.

"Uhm...... Sweetie? I don't think that that's appropriate? Like, kidnapped. Ok. But, everyone is killed? So, the killer wins? That's not... Correct. " Her mother said with a distirbing look on her face.

"B-but mum. You asked me to put tragedy in it? " She asked innocently.

"Oh dear. Yes. I did ask you to put some tragedy in your story. But too much is not ok! Nothing is ok when it is too much kiddo. I think you should change the plot a bit. Not too much. It's nice. But too much of a specific genre bores the viewers. Try something else? A little bit of everything? " Her mother suggested explaining what was wrong.

"Oh...... I see. Okie. I will make sure to change it a bit. I think you are right mom. Thanks! Now I know what to do! You are the best mom ever! " She said excitedly and hurried off to her room.

Episode 2 of 'The Struggles Of Being A Writer' finishes here.

Stay tuned for the next episode!

Moral :- It's ok to seek for help if you are out of ideas. Sometimes, the most unexpected people give you the most extraordinary idea you could think of! It's helpful. Too much of something is always toxic. We should avoid the same thing repeating over and over again. Asking someone for help won't make you look weak. It is our mindset that makes us think that way. There is probably someone out there who is probably seeking for help just like you are! Make sure to help them as well.

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