Auntie dearest

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Before Mäetharanel woke up, her nephew and his father disagreed in what to do about the dwarves.

The tall doors closed behind Legolas, and he gave the order to take the dwarves down. Tauriel, who was the captain in his absence, nodded and went to the prisons with the rest of their men. The prince then turned to one of the guards that stood there, mouth opened, still with his aunt in his arms.

"Inform my father of my return", he walked ahead, towards where a servant was already waiting for him, "I will be with him shortly", the man nodded and went towards the throne room, "Could you please take care of princess Mäetharanel? She certainly needs some washing...", the woman quickly nodded and after leaving his aunt in the baths, he made his way to his father.

Thranduil was accompanied by some people. Certainly, they were preparing for the festivities that were coming. Clearing his throat, the prince made his way to his father, bowed down and looked around. Even the throne was decorated.

"I see you have made progress, Ada", the King sighed, and Legolas rolled his eyes. How tiring it must be, to organize a party.

"I did, my son, I did", then, one look given to the others was enough for them to leave, "Your report, Legolas?"

"We took down some spiders and destroyed their nests", said the prince, with his hands behind his back, "but there is more."

"There are more creatures around the forest?", Thranduil glared and put the papers he had in his hands down.

"We found a Company of dwarves", the elven king scoffed, "But they were not alone, Ada."

"Legolas, whoever was with them is not important", sighing, the King looked at his son, finally, "What is it?", he could not understand the emotion in his son's face.

"Princess Mäetharanel was with them, unconscious", and Thranduill, who laughed in the face of danger and could waltz with death, choked in the wine he had been drinking. After coughing, he stayed silent for some time.

"Mäetharanel was with them", the prince nodded, "A company of dwarves?", another nod, "Unconscious?", annoyed, the prince nodded once more, "They could not have harmed your aunt", Thranduil sat down in a chair, "How many were they?"

"13", Legolas glared towards the door, his blood boiled just by thinking about them.

"There must be some explanation for this", the King was thoughtful.

"Surely", he bowed down to his father, "Excuse me, my King, but I must attend to a matter."

"Legolas", he stopped walking, his back still turned, "Where are you going?"

"I will get answers from them", the younger hissed, "Whatever they did to my aunt, it was not good."

"Legolas, you should think before you do anything", he began rubbing his temples. Mäetharanel was not even awake, but she was already causing trouble, "Did you not hear me? They could not harm your aunt, she would have killed them all."

"You did not see her!", turning back to his father, he glared, "She seemed dead, father!"

"But she is not", Thranduil glared right back at him, "Was she injured?", and if his son answered positively, he himself would go and kill them.

"No, apart from a few scratches", the prince frowned, "She did have some webs in her hair..."

"Then, the spiders attacked them", it made sense, at least to Thranduil.

"And she would have not killed them?", Legolas scoffed.

"Legolas, wait for your aunt. It should not take long for her to awake", he began looking at papers.

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