Chapter 2: The Long Kiss Goodbye.

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I awoke as the sun was rising, my body felt numb and in lots of pain, I clench the sheets as i look at time, my phone says it 5:15 am in the morning:  "Fuck what happened last night, did we fuck, did we explore each other's body?" I shake my head as i didn't have time to think about that, i had an important meeting with my mom at her law firm and i wasn't about to let some boys come and ruin things for me. I immediately got dressed and put on my pink heels and black skin-tight dress; i looked over my shoulder and i saw a gold box with 2 roses on the side, i open the box and pull out a pink diamond rose gold dragon necklace with my name engraved in it. It was so beautiful i started crying and fell to the floor. The note read as follows: " I'm sorry i had an emergency that came up so i had to leave and handle business, i enjoyed our night together and i hope we can do it again sometime." i put the note down and went to the bathroom to freshen myself up, i apply pink lipstick and put on my pink sparkly suit that Veren bought me (he's so thoughtful) i called the maid to fix me some breakfast and coffee. I finished my meal and slowly sipped my coffee before bowing and saying goodbye to the maid as i hopped into Ferrari and headed to my mother and father's Law Firm. Deia headed upstairs as she is greeted by her mother: "Hey Honey!!!!!! it's so good to see you, has school been good for you. "Yes school has been great and I've met this amazing boy and i- i begin vomiting into a trash can as my mother hands me a napkin. "Are You...?" for god's sake no mother I'm not just had a little too much to drink last night. "I see, will you follow me upstairs to my office, there's something i need to show you." i follow my mother upstairs to her office and see a wall full my ancestors and i see my name suddenly glow. My Grandmother's mother and your father's grandmother's mother made a blood pact after taking down a very dangerous criminal that terrorized many people and you have been chosen to lead this new group of lawyers and detectives to take down the infamous Navio Corporation. "I- But what if I'm not ready...!" I'm still in school and figuring things out for my future. " Deia would say as her body shakes and she has a small emotional breakdown... "We can discuss this later but come back tomorrow and talk to Hailey. I leave my Mother's Office and try to regain my composure as i try and process everything she said, nevertheless i didn't have time as i was going to be late if i don't leave now.  i hop into my car and drive 50 MPH while blasting Joke By RM on high blast. i can't help but rap along to the lyrics and gets me pumped up and ready for classes. As i pulled up into the parking lot, i saw Veren tonguing down a blonde-haired girl, "HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME, AFTER TAKING MY VIRGINITY" my inner thoughts screamed at me watching this all go down in front of me. I rushed into the building, Veren rushed behind me and tried grabbing my arm so i pulled back and slapped him: "Don't you dare touch me, you don't deserve to even look at me ." i stormed off to my class in tears, not looking back. " Deia!! Wait it wasn't supposed to be like this."  i bang my hand against the lockers as i get a call on my phone, It's my mother crying telling me my dad has passed, i fall to floor crying and tell her I'm on my way. i hop into my Jaguar and do an 100 MPH to my mansion and then i pick up my mother as the cars take my fathers body to the gravesite to bury it.

 As i finally arrive at the Gravesite, me and my mother view his body, my mother cries and says her few words of peace before kissing his lips for one long and last goodbye and then leaves to smoke a cigarette, i approach his casket and whispers in ear: " You fucking senile old piece of shit, i knew you would kick the bucket, you were too stupid and you made too many mistakes, im glad i silenced you for good, Good Ridens, Burn In Hell you punk ass bitch, i'll piss on your grave before i leave." I walk out to smoke a cigarette when i see My Mother talking to a blonde and black man around my age, i slowly approach the young man when he hugs tightly and cries: "Brother, so good to finally meet you. im so sorry to hear about my old man's death, To be honest; he had it coming to him one way or another." "Wait a minute, did you just call me brother? It can't be. My name is Reve Navio and i've been trying to find you for 8 yrs, im just glad we reunited now. Reve and Veren would stare at each other for a long time when suddenly Erith, Veren and Reve's Mother is shot dead and filled with bullet-holes, Veren pushes Reve down to protect him and brings out an AK-47 and starts returning fire at the rival gangs that suddenly arrived. "They must've come for something so let's give em hell." Reve jumps up and incapacitated one of the henchmen after taking him down and putting him in a submission hold. Veren's Bodyguards and Royal Division cleared the area and killed the remaining gang members as they took this dude back to the mansion for questioning, as well as burying Erith next to Christopher. Back at the Mansion, gunshots and sounds of pain can be heard from the mansion, the guy finally breaks after an extreme amount of hours being tortured and says: My Name is Bob, i was sent by an a dude named Rico Simones, he was an old accomplice of your old man i guess he heard the news and now he's making a move to expand his company. "Thanks for that useful information, see you in hell.. bye bye". Veren shoots him through the head multiple times and then kicks his dead body into the furnace. Reve calls his men to rid of the body and incite a spell to make the body vanish. "I'll meet up with you again later, i have some business to attend to, i love you big brother." Reve hops into his Maserati and drives off into the sunset sky. i tried calling Deia but got no answer so i hopped into my Jaguar and drove to see what was up. 

Deia was driving home when suddenly a large explosion happened in a plane above her as it crashed into the local park 15 blocks away from where she was, in her thoughts; she knew they were already dead but didn't want to believe it. When she finally got there, police, firefighters, and ambulances covered the scene as Veren grabbed Deia and held her in his arms as she began to sob in his arms and gripped onto his shirt. One of the cops recover a half-destroyed laptop and a flash drive that is still intact. "We should get out of here, i'll take you back to my place so we can eat and cuddle as we crack this code on the flashdrive." "V-Veren i need your help, I- i don't think my parents plane explosion was an accident, so i need you to investigate and see what you can find. After cuddling and eating and watching movies for a few hours that passed by, i take my leave, but before i go, i kiss Veren Deeply and passionately as it meant goodbye for now.  

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