Chapter 4: Top A Assistant

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(Okay guys we're gonna take a little break from Deia and Veren and focus on another couple well two good friends and how they became a couple working on the same team after being enemies for so so long so please bear with me as I make this a very angsty but soft chapter, mwah I love you guys)

It's 2Pm  in the afternoon when the alarm rings. "Fuck I'm gonna be late again!" Dean says in a deep groggy voice as he gets up today wasn't going to be the best day he just lost a friend a week ago and things wasn't looking as pleasant as they should have looked for awhile now. He Slowly gets up and looks out of his window asking himself '' Can This Day Get Any More Weird'' Just then he gets a call on his phone its from his Father. "What's going on he never calls unless there's an emergency at the company. "Hello This Is Dean speaking." "Mr Dean I'm so sorry, but your father has passed away this morning in his office." He falls to the ground and cries holding his plush bear tightly to his chest, he nearly begins to drink his troubles away when he realizes he needs to go find his new assistant today and introduce him or her to the company grounds. He gets ready and packs some things he would need as he heads into town. His Best Friend Sebastian pops up along, ''So Hey You Heard about everyone finding a new assistant and bring them to the company to increase our profits right? he says. Dean replies "Yeah Of Course" he said unsurely. Sebastian on the other hand seen how unsure Dean was so he handed him a cold beer as he spoke: "well guess what, I heard you're getting three assistants." said Sebastian with a sly smirk. WHAT???? Sebbie??? What do you mean. Sebastian pulls out three brand new ID Cards  and hands them to Dean. Dean would hug Sebastian tightly before he released him and they started walking and talking about University and other things. Danger looked at his phone  and then at Sebastian as they both get text from their boss for an immediate meeting. "I can't believe the boss has us working extra hard this week, I wonder what's got him in a good mood. While walking down to the Street Dean and Sebastian saw a pretty boy walking into the store. Dean told Sebastian to wait here as he went into the store. Dean would walk in and ask the guy to make him his usual morning order for Monday. "So where have you been all my life, my sparkling rose." As the boy would turn around, his eyes would sparkle like a pink diamond and his hair would flow in the wind like silk. He spoke softly and seductively like a mistress to her pup: "My names Seirea, and may I say, I respect your courage trying to come and talk to me but whatever you're planning, I can guarantee it won't work." Dean would look away smirking and blushing a bit before respectfully responding. "Well damn shawty, and here I am without an umbrella to protect you from the storm, I'm here because I want you as my top assistant and I even went through the trouble of making you a ID Card to My Company that I work for and my own business company so here's 2 ID Cards. Dean would wrap his arms around the smaller one's waist as he whispered in his ear: "Please accept my offer, I'll be waiting for 10 minutes then I'll be heading back." Dean would lift his head as his crimson eyes met with Sierra's pink diamond eyes, he would leave as he ran back to Sebastian. "Sooooo? How'd it go?" "I think I got him on board so now we wait for 10 minutes before leaving. Suddenly a Black Van would pull up in front of the store and They had golden dragon symbols on their back. Sebastian would pull out his gun as soon as Dean also pulled out his gun. "It's them, The Yazakuri Clan the clan that killed my brother and sister" Sebastian said angrily, Dean would stop him from rushing in. "Stay here till I give you the signal for Alpha, India, and Delta. (A.I.D For short). Dean would hid behind the door as he watched the events unfold. Suddenly he would hear a smack and a loud thud to the ground. Dean would look back as Seirea was unconscious on the ground, this would infuriate him as he fired 20 shots killing the first 8 men guarding the door before kicking it in and rushing to beat up the 2 dudes that hurt Seirea. "Did you lay your hands on the person that means something to me, You'll die for that." Seirea would softy whimper as he woke up and looked as Dean holding the guy by the throat, "You don't have to kill him, please." Dean would look down as he stood up and helped Seirea arrest him and throw him into the back of the car. "I thought about your offer and I accept, let me take him back to the station and I'll meet you in your office, okay? Seirea would kiss Dean on the cheek and softly walk away as she hoped into his Hellcat and drove away. Dean would look and smile: "Sebbie? I think I'm in love with him." Sebastian would shake his head and scream "My Boy, the fuck are you talking about, no one falls that fast." Dean would slap Sebastian and laugh; "Obviously dumbass, but when I do it'll all be worth it, my heart thinks he's the one."

It's officially 10pm There is 30 minutes left before they have to meet their boss Mr. Wangsire. Dean wakes up naked while Sebastian is putting on his shirt and getting ready to head out. He ask Dean if they are ready to fully be full timers and they are both speechless this can never be easy or be the same as it ever was. Sebastian Smiles and tells Dean To Get ready for the meeting, "heyyyyy um you know we only got 20 minutes left".. ok let's go. Dean and Sebastian hop into the Jaguar X30. They drive 80mph down the highway as their co-workers follow behind them and turn on their sirens. He smiles at Sebastian and Sebastian Smiles back and says ok now we should head to the back but before they can a pretty singer named Ariloa Spots them immediately a Stare off between Dean and Ariloa as they lock eyes as she's heading into makeup and dressing room. As Dean tries to follow behind her Sebastian pulls him into the long line with the fans.

23 hours of Amazing performances from Both BTS and Taylor Swift back to back just blows away Dean who can't contain his emotions and now the show is almost over as rm concludes this Performance With Expensive Girl Ft Taylor and all the girls scream as they end the performance with a bang. Sebastian and Dean rush over to get her autograph and photos with the boys all is well until a few people passes out so Sebastian says u should take them  to the emergency rooms and then head back to your place before the final meeting to rest. So you nod ur head and then you leave....Back At Your place u rest down on the bed and softly drift to sleep as your arms begin to feel numb as the sun would be a bright orange before the moon rises. Suddenly you would jolt awake as you get a call from your friend Jorue telling you there's an emergency at the office that needs to be solved before the next meeting, so you reply:" Listen here you stupid fuck, why can't you ever do something right without me, it's like I'm the only one pulling my weight at the company for the past 29 yrs." Jorue would sigh and say: "Look Ik it's been hard since your father died and mother ended up in an indefinite coma but you gotta pull through for us, this is the biggest deal for us and we can't mess this up." Dean would punch a hole in the wall and laugh as he responded to him: "I'll be there don't bug me further."

Back at the office, Dean finally arrives 20 minutes later. Yo you're late where you been wait.....lemme guess he gave it up didn't he... Ugh No Jordan, I didn't have any woman or men at my place  just a little traffic plus he's sleeping so let's get down to business, shall we? Ok now remember that company contract we turned down they are now The Universal Kingdom Of Artist or U.K.A for short we should get Taylor to sign to their company plus I'm secretly a Singer I go by the Name Mr Wavy. Pfft yeah okay and I'm Spider-Man, nevertheless We should still look over these contracts again Jorue I mean remember when RM dropped expensive girl and look I mean what would Taylor think about all of this. Well Dean that's why you are gonna convince her to join them. Idk about that she's kinda hard to convince. Come on Dean,  You and Me Came a long way since we was kids we've been through so much and now look at us we are idols people look up to us  Well I don't know bout all that. But ur right fine I give in I'll talk to her about it later
Let's just hope she's doesn't get upset about this oh trust me she'll be more than upset but I promise I'll get her to sign with us. Jorue looks at me and then says"Looks Like it'll be a done deal then for us. We are going to be on top". I laugh and look back at him as I nod and simply smile this good news has brightened my day.

I enter the apartment while my dog is asleep, i sigh and hug my knees; "What am I gonna do, idk if I'm ready to ask her to sign to a label so soon. What if she ain't tryna sign to anyone at the moment or what if she's only a 1 hit wonder" the thoughts ponder my head but I shake my head and take off my clothes as a sos message is sent to my phone and the message reads"Im Coming For You Dean, and I will make you and Your Team fall to their knees for killing my father". I toss my phone into the trash and head upstairs. Hmm looks like we are about to have some competition. Shits really about to get real, let's just hope this isn't like before.

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