Chapter One ~ America

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"So are you ready for de world meeting coming up?" Ivan's burly voice at the end of the phone asks.

"Of course dude! We finally will get to see each other! Maybe we could get a drink afterwards too if you want!" I truely can't wait for the world meeting. It feels like its been years since I've seen Ivan even though I know it's only been a few weeks.

"Aahh dat would be nice." Ivan replies, usually a man of few words.

We talked for a few more minutes talking about this and that. We always have these type of conversations, checking up on how everything was going. To be honest, in the beginning it was a little weird to be having these type of conversations with Ivan. Conversations that even my brother, Matthew, and I wouldn't have. But I've grown so comfortable with Ivan that I feel as if we have talked for many years like this.

"I can't wait for this next meeting Ivan, I can finally show everyone how I've matured, they can treat me not as a child, but as an equal!"

I can hear the Russian laugh softly on the other end, "Da. I'm happy for you Sunflower. I'll see you at the meeting, and we can talk then."

"Sounds good bro." I hesitate only a moment before I continue to say, "Love you."

There is a second silence, Ivan and I are still a little shy about saying it, but the more we say it the easier it is to say "Love you too Sunflower."

We hang up, and I set my phone on my bedside table, next to my glasses, and lean back on my bed's wooden headrest.
I rub the space between my eyes and think about everything that had happened to me in the past month or so.

It all started with me going to Kiku's for a friendly visit, and Ivan just happened to be there. You could say we both weren't super psyched to see each other. The atmosphere was tense, you could cut it with a knife. I could tell Kiku was very uncomfortable as well. It didn't feel right.

Being the hero, I had to save Kiku and prove I would stand up to high and mighty Russia. That's when I saw my chance to protect Kiku. Ivan mentioned a storm coming at his house, and was leaving. Being the child that I was, I thought Ivan was lying and planning to attack Kiku as soon as he left. There I was trying to be the hero again. So I persuaded Ivan to let me go to his house for a visit.

But I could have never been more wrong. Russia hadn't been lying about the storm. A blizzard had occured and I was stuck until the snow had melted. Over three weeks, while we may have had our ups and downs, we slowly began to understand one another, and we eventually confessed our love to each other. I learned that Ivan wasn't just a scary, power hungry country. He was simply misunderstood and was lonely because of it. In turn Ivan learned that I shouldn't be treated as a lesser country due to my inexperience and that I try, truly try, the best I can.

Even if I over try sometimes. I sigh, thinking perhaps that's why the others think me a child. I over react to somethings, I try too hard sometimes, but I just need to relax every once in a while and open my eyes and ears more to others.

But that's easier said then done. I know that. I'll just try my best at this next meeting in a few days.

This meeting is my second chance. I'll show everyone that I can be respectable as well, and that I've matured. I can't wait for this next meeting. I've been looking forward to it for days now.

I sigh, rolling onto my side, and pull my american flag blanket up to my chin. A shiver runs down my spine, and I miss Ivan's warm embrace.

Unlike his country's freezing weather, Ivan is an extremely comforting individual whose embrace is warm and makes me feel safe. I miss him holding me, stroking my straw colored hair lovingly. Us staring into each others cerelean and beautifully violet eyes, our arms tangled around one another, not a care in the world.

There weren't any country problems, there was no paper work to be done, there weren't any arguments to be had, we only loved each other. When I was with him I felt safe and secure.

I miss him dearly, all of him, all of his flaws, all of his imperfections. There wasn't a single thing I don't like about him.

I wrap my thin arms around myself, hugging myself, and try my best to pretend it's Ivan's secure arms around me, and not my own.

At the same time, I will sleep to come to me, but it evades for a while longer. My thoughts constantly trail the the Russian I so dearly adore. This has been happening to me ever since I got home, leaving each of us to our own selves.

Finally, I can feel my eyes grow heavy, and I begin dreaming of Ivan, a soft smile laying across my face.

Hello everyone!
So as some of you may know, this NerdiansUnite account is BluePhoneixFire, GinjaNinja2499, and ForeverPineapples871 joint account. We all have our own personal account, but this one we use to write stories together. I ( Blü ) wrote a story on my own account called "Loving The Enemy" which is the story before this one. GinjaNinja2499 and I decided to create a sequel. You can read this story without having to read the other one, but it's suggest you read the first one before reading this one. Anyways, hope you all enjoy, feedback is GREATLY appreciated, and sweet dreams!

Alfred = America
Ivan = Russia
Kiku = Japan
Matthew = Canada

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