Chapter 9

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I walk into the motel room behind Sam because it was no use going back to mine to be alone until Dean came back. Sam dropped the car keys on the table after taking off his jacket. 

I worry about Dean. With everything going on, he's got a lot on his plate. He told me how bad everything was really bothering him. He also made me promise not to breathe a word to Sam. 

But Dean was hurting and something about Gordon wasn't right. I wasn't sure if Dean's head was clear enough to realize that. Those things don't go well together. Dean could easily fall into something bad. 

Sam sat down, calling the roadhouse because, like me, he had a bad feeling too. "Hey, Ellen, it's Sam Winchester....Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. Got a question." He paused as Ellen replied. "You ever run across a guy named Gordon Walker?"

I take off my jacket, sitting down by Sam. 

"And?" Sam presses. "We ran into him on a job and we're kind of working with him." 

I lean closer to hear Ellen.

"Don't do that, Sam." There was urgency in her voice. 

"I thought you said he was a good hunter." Sam says. 

"Yeah, and Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist." Ellen replied. "Look, he's dangerous to everyone and everything around him. If he's working on a job, just let him handle it and move on." 

"Ellen--" Sam began.

"No, Sam. You just listen to what I'm telling you, okay?" 

"Right. Okay." 


"Fine! If he won't listen to reason, I'll just walk in there naked and drag him out. He'll follow me." I throw my hands in the air, pacing the room.

"Be serious, Saige." Sam tells me.

"I am. Gordon is sketchy and not good for Dean. Okay? I just know it. There's something off about Gordon." I stated. 

"At least try calling him again first." Sam suggested. "While you do that, I'm gonna go get a soda. Want one?"

"Yeah, thanks." I say, dropping some quarters into his palm before pulling out my phone. I listen to it ring as Sam walked outside. 

"Si? Everything good?" Dean answered. 

"Yeah, yeah. I was just wondering when you'd be back. I miss you." I paced the floor, worry growing by the second. 

Dean chuckled. "Can't live without me, huh, angel?"

"I'm getting impatient." I tell him. 

"Ooh, really?"

"I may or may not be naked right now." I spit out, rolling my eyes at myself. 

"Very enticing. I may just have to cut this short." Dean says.

Okay, we're getting there.

"Well, take your time." I lie. "I'm just getting in the shower. I'll be waiting."

"You are such a tease." 

"I better go. There are showers to be had." I then hung up. "God, I am so stupid." 

Suddenly, I was tackled to the floor. A blinding pain filled my head, then everything went dark. 


I was going in and out of consciousness, fading between awake and asleep. Nausea washed over me in waves as whatever vehicle I was in drove over a bridge. 

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