Chapter 10

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"Dean, maybe we gotta rethink this hunt." Sam tells him as we step out into the parking lot. 

"What are you talking about? Where were you two?" Dean asked. 

Sam sighed. "In the nest."

"You found it?" Dean asked.

"Uh, well, more like it found us." I say. 

"Wha--? How'd you get out? How many did you kill?" Dean asked. 

"None." Sam shrugged.

"Yeah, we didn't really get to chop any vampire heads off tonight." I added. 

Dean scoffed. "Well, they didn't just let you two go."

"That's exactly what they did." Sam replied. 

"Alright, well, where is it?" Dean questioned.

"We were blindfolded. I don't know." 

"Well, you gotta know something. Si? Anything?" Dean asked.

"Sorry. I was in and out of it." I tell him.

"We went over that bridge outside of town." Sam explained. "But, Dean, listen, we shouldn't go after them."

"Why not?" Dean asked as if the thought alone we ridiculous. 

"I don't think they're like other vampires." Sam replied.

"They're not killing people." I added. "Cows, yes. Humans, no." 

"You're joking." Dean looked between me and Sam. "Then how do they stay alive or undead, whatever the hell they are?" 

"Like Saige said, the cattle mutilations. They said they live off of animal blood." Sam reiterated. 

"And you two believed them?"

"Look at us, Dean." Sam scoffed. "They let us go without a scratch." 

"Wait, so you're saying--? No, man. No way. I don't know why they let you go. I don't really care. We find them and we waste them." Dean stated, moving across the parking lot.

"No." I say.

"Why?" Sam asked as we followed behind Dean. 

"What part of 'vampires' don't you understand?" Dean asked. "If it's supernatural, we kill it. End of story. That's our job."

"It's not that black and white, Dean." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"No, Dean, that is not our job. Our job is hunting evil." Sam says. "And if these things aren't killing, they're not evil." 

"Of course they're killing people. That's what they do. They're all the same. They're not human, okay? We have to exterminate every last one of them." Dean stated.

"No, Dean. I don't think so, alright? Not this time." Sam argued.

"I'm not going to kill them." I tell Dean. 

"Gordon's been on those vamps for a year, man. He knows." Dean gestured back to the motel room.

"Gordon? The man you met literally three hours ago? He could be insane for all you know."

"You're taking his word for it?" Sam asked.

"That's right." Dean nodded his head. 

"Ellen says he's bad news." Sam stated.

"You called Ellen? And I'm supposed to listen to her? We barely know her. No, thanks. I'll go with Gordon." 

"We barely know Gordon." I point out. "And, Dean, if you don't want to, don't listen to Ellen, but please listen to me. I've got a really bad feeling about him. Trust me, please." 

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