Chapter 45

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Tall Tales

(Sam's Version)

Sam pushed through the door, letting the others file in behind him. "Well, no traces of EMF, that's for sure." He sat down at the kitchen table.

"And that room 669 is a load of crap." Dean added, moving to grab a beer for himself.

"Grab me one, will you?" Millie said.

"So, what do you think, the professors just a jumper?" Sam asked as Dean tossed Millie a beer. He set one in front of Sam and handed one to Saige who sat on the counter by the sink. "Legends just a legend?"

"I don't know." Dean replied, leaning against the counter beside Saige.

Millie sat down on the other end of the circular table. "That janitor was super weird, don't you think?"

"I thought so too." Saige agreed.

"Speaking of, the girl he described, that was pretty weird." Dean continued. "We oughta check out the history of the building. See if any coed ganked herself there."

"Yeah, right." Sam agreed as Dean walked toward the bathroom. He grabbed his computer, opening it. "Dude, were you on my computer?"

Dean stepped back out. "No."

"Oh, really?" Sam asked. "Because its frozen now on, uh,"

Saige and Millie groaned simultaneously. "Seriously?"

Dean didn't reply. He was walked back into the bathroom.

"Dean--" Sam began. "Would you just... Don't touch my stuff anymore, okay?"

"I was here the whole time when did this?" Saige asked, gesturing to the laptop even though Dean couldn't see her.

He then walked back out. "Would you control your OCD?"

Millie laughed.

"Well, did you dig up anything about the building?" Bobby asked, moving away from the window where he now stood. "Or on the suicidal coed?"

"No, history is clean." Sam paced by the couch where Millie and I sat.

"Then it's not a haunting." Bobby joined in on the pacing the floor.

Hell, even Dean was pacing on the other end of the coffee table. "Maybe not. To tell you the truth, we're not really sure."

"What do you mean we're not sure?" Bobby asked.

"It means we got some weirdo theories flying around." Millie spoke up.

"Yeah, we're all just really confused now. Bobby, you gotta help us." I added.

"Well, it's weird." Sam said.

"What's weird?"

"This next part, we, uh, didn't see happen ourselves exactly... But its pretty frigging weird, even for us." Dean added.

"Like mega weird." I said.

(Curtis' Version)

After a night at the bar with Jen and talking to two people about the recent death of a professor, Curtis headed back across campus. He was walking across the courtyard when he heard something whoosh above him.

He titled his head back to gaze at the sky. He didn't see a thing. He kept walking.

The sound echoed again.

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