Arrival Part 1

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This would change everything. Kassandra felt butterflies in her stomach as the ferry slowed to a halt, gently rocking with the waves of the Mediterranean. A dream come true, where she could find herself, see what life really meant and what focussing on herself could produce. It was a beautiful summer's day to say the least, the sun glistening off the waves and cute little houses characteristic of the quiet Greek life. Perhaps this place could provide her with the peace she needed. Away from her family, away from her dead-end job, away from all the responsibilities and away from all the charismatic but draining men of her life. Here was her chance for rejuvenation, and the smell of the cool sea breeze only solidified that thought.

Kassandra was not usually the adventurous one, that was the realm of Sarah, or Becky or Talia. She had never been so alone, so far from everyone she knew yet despite the emptiness that part of her soul was feeling, the excitement of new opportunities and a different perspective of life was more than enough to compensate. This better be worth it, she thought. If only she knew just how worth it this trip would be. Port Adonis was known for many things, the beautiful cliffs adjacent to ancient ruins of unknown origin, the fresh food made daily, the peace of isolation and limited tourists, and the selection of some of the most chiselled to perfection men the world had to offer. That was not why she was here though. She had no plans to be swept off her feet, god knows how many times that had turned back to hurt her.

As she disembarked the pristine ferry she saw something even more pristine than the clear waves below, a man working to help people with their heavy luggage, slim but obviously strong and a smile to knock you out for days. There's a reason no one visits for less than a month. What am I doing? SNAP OUT OF IT , Kassandra's rational self exclaimed and she shook her head as if that would make her thoughts disappear into the ether. She gathered herself and almost by divine intervention, as she stepped onto the ramp connecting her to land she tripped and fell forwards losing grip on her bag, but as she thought she was about to hit the ground, the ferry man grabbed her, gently, pulling her back to her feet. 'Atlas' she noted was written on his nametag, fitting.

"Thank you I don't know what happened, I'm never usually this clumsy, I mean, obviously sometimes I am, you can't help it you know ahaha especially when wearing heels or something of the sort or-" her monologue was thankfully interrupted by a thunderous splash in the water, resetting her mind. Everyone turned to look into the water to see a man had jumped in to grab a hat. Oh that looks like my hat, Kassandra tapped her head like a child playing a game and realised someone had jumped in to save her hat, how brave, how....excessive.

"You're welcome", said Atlas, "seems I'm not the only one feeling like Prince Charming today", a hearty chuckle escaping his mouth. They eye contact between them two felt like an eternity, she was swimming in the sun-kissed brown of his irises but all too soon Atlas gave her a quick nod and continued past her to help the rest of her fellow travellers.

"I believe a precious protective item of yours decided it had a fondness for the sea, somewhat relatable if I'm honest" said the man holding her hat out to her in a sort of jesting extravagant bow, giving a cheeky wink to her as she retrieved her favourite hat.

"Thanks for that, I doubt I could've survived out here without it, you truly are a life-saver, and hat-saver I guess. Looks like this isn't your first time saving a damsel in distress", Kassandra said with a hint of annoyance that surprised herself. She was not one to usually talk to someone like that, let alone a man whose upper body was glistening in the sun, every angle and crevice highlighted to perfection, barely overpowering. He was clearly used to eyes on him, for he paid no attention to anyone's stares.

"You are most welcome..." he gestured as if wanting extra information. Kassandra had seen this before, but she wasn't settled yet in her life and her annoyance passed. Soon she would have some alone time to immerse herself in her peaceful surroundings.


"Kassandra! You could say hat-saving comes with the package, and a knack for being in the right place at the right time. Try keep hold of that precious hat of yours, I won't always be there at a moments notice to provide my free services. Take it easy, perhaps we will have another chance meeting. Maybe you can stop my shirt from flying off into the water next time, or maybe you'll expedite it, who knows", he said with a light shrug and devilish grin before putting his shirt on.

"Somehow I reckon those muscles of yours might just be capable of holding onto a shirt all on their own, unless it's all show and no substance", retorted Kassandra as she flicked her hair like they did in the movies and precariously wobbled along the uneven stony path dragging her bags behind her.

As she walked by she could hear him say, "Ooooh, a feisty one, luckily you're not the only one who has a talented tongue".

Ugh. Men. 

She was ready to get some food and flop onto her bed to recover from her jet lag and hours upon hours of travelling. She probably should've researched places to eat near her place, why couldn't she plan this better for god's sake. NO, this was good for her, to just go with the wind and try what is in front of her. It was a couple kilometres to her little studio apartment from the ferry terminal. The walk would be tiring to say the least, maybe I could get Atlas to carry this for me, he looked more than.....capable. As tempting as the thought was, she was here to be independent, to show herself she can do things all on her own and that she has all she needs right here within her heart and mind.

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