It's quite warm down here Part 3

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Her precious camera was finally for use, primed and ready. She spent the morning searching up various techniques and realised she didn't care much for it, and it would be so much better to just go out there and start doing something. Or someone. "Huh, strange...", her mind was feeling a little wacky and all over the place ever since coming here. Not knowing what to think of it, her curious mind decided there was only one option: ignore it.

Still feeling somewhat fatigued she decided to stay on this upper level of the town and perhaps climb just a little higher to the lookout perched above her apartment. This was a quieter part of an already fairly quiet town, but all the people she passed were friendly with variations of "good morning" sprinkled her way. All she needed was them to burst out into song with immaculate choreography designed for her. She laughed at the thought, this wasn't her imagination quite yet. She reached the lookout and was now completely alone, the entire nest for herself to lay down and just reflect.

Maybe I should've stayed home, talked to mum, or at least told her about my trip, she'd be worried, but I did message her when I arrived just in case so it should be fine, anyway I'm an adult I can do whatever I want, but can I? I think I do but how can I know this was all my life was, working at a coffee shop, going to bars to find men to help me get through my dull existence, is it dull though? It's not luxurious but I have everything I need, that's not enough though, how can it be for anyone, there's so much more to be had, to be done to experience and what am I limited by? Money? That's the obvious answer, and sure it's probably right but that can't be the end of it, I can change things right? otherwise what's the point, what's the point in doing the day to day things if someone or something has set it out for me? I could've worked more, maybe studied something, looked for other jobs rather than accepting this one and not even consider other options, but what if those other options failed, this was kinda stable, well it was until I quit, but that was by design, I had to cut all the strings attached to me because if I didn't I wouldn't be here, I'd be having the same Tuesday I have had the last 5 years and coming home softly crying to myself or on the shoulder of some man who only cared for me because he felt like he provided for me and got something physical from it, yet the temporary escape these things gave me, did they help? I guess they did to help get through it all but without it, who knows what kind of a wreck I'd be, no. I needed to reframe my life, that's why I'm here, to realise that I am capable of changing my life, of finding some joy in it. The city felt claustrophobic, overwhelming in its choices and opportunities which were thrust onto you at every opportunity I couldn't help but cower away and avoid it all. Every choice, was a chance to be wrong and to be filled with regret. That's why I was here, to breathe in the air of nature, where I was meant to be, to clear my mind and realise the only thing that mattered was my happiness, was feeling fulfilled and that I wasn't just surviving, but actually fucking LIVING, living life to the fullest. That seems a bit romantic and like a fantasy, but they said fantasies came true here so I may as well take the leap of faith, after all I made the journey here. I could live for myself finally. Was that really such a fan-

"Fancy seeing Cinderella here without her missing hat", a delectable voice announced.

Startled out of her daydream Kassandra almost lost her hat again. "Ah, you again. You know it's kinda creepy to follow a lady around like that mister" she said as she rolled on her side to face him.

"What if you replace mister with Sam?"

Sam. This would be be yet another Sam in her life, it couldn't be a coincidence that they always ended the same way. Like a train wreck. He seemed to be with his friends so maybe that would be good for her, a group of friends, maybe they're all here for a similar reason to her? She could thoroughly friendzone him. Or friendbone him. "Ew no" she shuddered.

"I apologise wholeheartedly Kassandra. I see you prefer the element of mystery and dissociation. I can work with that", he winked at her.

Instinctively she rolled her eyes at him, emphatically. She needed to switch up this line of conversation, but converse she did. "Are those your friends over there?"

"Ah that group of lost souls. They are indeed, if you need some familiarity around here, you can feel free to join us. We don't bite. Too hard."

Hmmmm I came here for self-discovery. But you can't do that all day every day can you? That would be inhumane surely. "Maybe you can introduce me then", using that tongue of yours, ok this was a bit much. She hopped up, graceful unlike usual and walked towards them with Sam's powerful presence borderline too close by. 

"Gang, this is the ever delightful Kassandra. A fellow traveller, except she's all alone. Kassandra, this is Theo, Casper, Kylie and Becky". One by one they smiled and said 'hi' to her, she noted they were two couples, or either very very close friends.

"Sam! I see it didn't take you long to find that bunny you never seem to be able to catch" laughed Theo, "don't mess this one up too mate, we know your specialty", he blew a kiss towards Sam who all of a sudden didn't seem so big and overconfident. Maybe there was something behind the overpowering superficiality to him. It would be a shame to judge someone based on a couple interactions right? People act strange when their emotions get in thrust in too hard, trying to be something that isn't themselves. Or they thrust in and out just right. She found herself blushing unprompted. "Haha I'm just teasing Sam, he really is quite the barely average sorta guy, in every way, if ya catch my drift".

"Thank you for the introduction Theo, your presence is always welcomed. If anyone can scare someone off it's that excuse of a mo plastered on your face", Sam launched back trying hard to not appear flustered. Theo brushed his fingers along his moustache, those thick strong fingers and said "you're probably right, but if you're annoyed then its job is done so I hope you don't get used to it and suffer in a sprinkle of agonising hell ahah. 

Kassandra found herself ruminating in a whirlwind of thoughts. This island was doing something to her, her thoughts were not 100% her own, and it was more and more evident as she stood here amongst this group of friends. It was so hard to deflect the barrage of temptations surrounding her. A few deep breaths kept them at bay somewhat, but she knew there was only so much she could do. Maybe this was the whole point of being here, see if she can resist all the world can throw at her and continue on her self-determined path. Or what if it's about letting go, seeing where the wind can take you. Mmmmmmm that did sound good, she could feel part of her body warming up, getting this mild tingling feeling like the fresh morning sun on her skin. Yes it was just the sun, sun sun SUN. No, she was here for a purpose, she wouldn't bring the problems she left at home here. That would ruin everything. Right?

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