Whirlwind Part 2

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The island of Eros was picturesque to say the least. Kassandra felt herself being encapsulated in this little civilisation, nestled in a poorly-trafficked part of the great sea. She could already feel the dopamine flowing uncontrolled, anticipating the visual pleasures she'd soon become accustomed to. From the island, and those residing on it. As she slowly made her way to her apartment, up the ancient steps her mind was floating between thoughts, between Atlas and the hunky man..... what was his name again?. While she couldn't remember his name, her memory was vividly imprinted with his image, naturally, at times, conflicting with Atlas. A spectacle in her daydream that pushed her through the agony of the last few steps.

"Why couldn't I have picked an easier apartment to get to", she muttered under her breath.

"Because despite what you may think, Eros does not give fortune so easily miss"

Kassandra thought she was dreaming, or hallucinating in the setting sun, but not, the sound came from an elderly woman who seemed to have been watching her the whole time from her window. A weathered but bright face looked down at her, wise yet mischievous.

"You must be Pythia" said Kassandra, her memory finally triggered by the name written on the booking information.

"Well aren't you a smart one, there's still hope for you yet!" Pythia exclaimed. She proceeded to disappear into the house and almost at the speed of sound itself reappear at the front door welcoming Kassandra in. "I'll give you one suggestion before you come in dear. Turn around and marvel at where you've come from, all its beauty, all its pain, and then consider what you really desire, deep down, and what you will put in to make it happen". And just as quickly as she appeared, the shuffling of footsteps faded into the house.

Quirky woman. Yet despite her mild eccentricities, Kassandra felt a fondness for Pythia, a closeness that she hasn't truly felt in years, and a brief diversion from her lustful imagination. Instinctively she took Pythia's advice and cast her gaze upon the township beneath her. The house was tucked into a little corner not far from the centre of town, and its view was mesmerising. Angels seemed to appear in the twinkling of the sea which spread its waves far and wide, consuming all available to the visible eye.

A quiet hum could be heard emanating from the town square as people were making use of the idyllic weather. Kassandra longed to join in, but her legs wouldn't be able to make it today. She knew her legs would get used to the exercise, in one form or another.

A cool breeze brushed her face and she took a deep breath in, savouring the moment, lured by the smell of oven-baked goods however pointed her towards the house.

"Come on dear you must be starving! This'll merely be a welcome-to-Eros meal so I do suggest you make the most of it", Pythia invited. 

I wonder what meat she's got ready for me. SHUT UP horny brain. Unhelpful. "Coming!" managed Kassandra, taken aback by her intrusive thoughts, this place really was something different.

She dragged her bags the final stretch onto the 2nd floor where her little studio was. Well this is a quaint room. There was various flower-themed paraphernalia and a renaissance-style semi-nude painting hanging over the bed was not the only one of its kind in this small space. There really is a certain type of person who comes to this place. Kassandra began to have doubts as to what truly drove her all the way here. Was this the right spot for the rekindling of her spirit? Would her soul find peace here? She placed her fears on the fact she was fatigued from her long-winded journey. So she went downstairs to have dinner with Pythia, learning about the wonders this island had to explore and when finished, politely helped her with cleaning up before returning to her room and practically collapsing on her bed.

As she edged closer to sleep, her thoughts managed to calm and focus on the reason she came here, well, one of the reasons; her passion for photography. She had done scarcely anything with her camera that had been sitting idly by her nightstand for years, never finding the time with the world never showing any interest. Tomorrow would be different. Tomorrow she could begin the real phase of her life.

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