☆Part one

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~Travis POV~

6 am. A booming alarm wakes me up. It was Monday, I didn't want to go to school. I hated it there, I didn't like anyone and no one liked me. Even if someone did like me it would be short lived. I'd fuck up and say something stupid, and they'd leave like all the others. 'At least it's better than home' I thought to myself. Reminding myself of this was the only way to get me out of bed in the morning. I get up, groaning in pain with each move. I don't remember much of last night, Father was angry, I remember him whiping me. He does that often, everytime her does his words echo in my head. 'Fag'. 'Useless'. I slowly walk over to my closet. Each and every step was agonizing. As I open the doors I see my very limit selection of clothes. Purple sweaters, blue shorts, white button-ups, etc. Father wouldn't let me where anything else except on church days. On those days I would were nicer clothes, aka more uncomfortable garbage. I take my clothes from the small variety and get dressed. I quietly walk down stairs, making sure I don't wake Father. I always walk to school, Father refuses to drive me saying 'Faggots like you dont deserve that privilege'. Honestly i didnt mind, the less time i had woth him the better.I grab my bag and head out the door, skipping breakfast. I did that often, Father said that 'I am too fat, and no woman would ever find me attractive if I keep eating that much'. I think he is right, I always feel fat. As I walk to school I put my headphones in. Father got me an ipod as my baptism gift, he only lets me listen to gospel music on it. I hated gospel music but it was better than listening to my thoughts. After 50 minutes of walking I arrived at school, I was 30 minutes early. I preferred getting there early, it was peaceful. I did my normal routine and when into the bathroom. Locking myself in the last stall, no one ever uses this one because someone was murdered in it. People think it's haunted, I didn't mind, it made it more pleasant. I took off my phone case exposing the blades, I started to harm myself when I was around 10, I never stopped. I suppose it didn't matter anyways because no one had ever noticed. I slowly lifted the blade to my wrist. I thought about everything I had ever been called. 'Fag.' 'Whore.' 'Useless.' 'Annoying.' 'Waste of space.' With each thought I cut deeper and deeper. I didn't stop till I heard the door open. Footsteps filled the room, I looked down at the floor to see if I recognized the person. It was Larry Johnson. We had used to be good friends but my Father made me never talk to him, when we did speak I was told to insult him. I hadn't even noticed I was crying till a rough voice said, "Travis? Are you... crying in there?" It was Larry's voice, I didn't respond immediately. "Trvis I know it's you, answer me." His voice was harsh and demanding. "Yeah it's me, what does it matter to you." I said, stiffling back tears, I don't know why I was being so rude. I didn't hate Larry, I never have. Every time I talked to him, he made me feel warm and safe. When he speaks it makes me weak in the knees, I just want to collapse into his arms. Wait, what was I thinking? Whatever I felt foe him didn't matter, we couldn't be friends, not after how much shit I put him and his 'gang' through. "Dude, are you okay?" He was asking if I was okay? Why does he care? I've been nothing but mean to him. "I'm fine Johnson." I shot back in a upset tone. My voice was shaking, I knew that Larry didn't believe me. His footsteps got closer and closer, till they were right in front of the stall door. My breathing became more rapid, my chest felt on fire. "Travis. Why is there blood on the floor." Larry said in a stern tone. Fuck. I had gotten carried away when thinking. I hadn't realized I was cutting still, let alone dripping blood on the floor. I didn't know how to respond, what would he say? How would he react? Why would he care? I couldn't think, I didn't know what to say. "Uhm.." that was all I could mutter out, he knew. This was the first time I have ever been caught cutting. "Open the door Travis." I wanted to argue bit I knew it was no good. Slowly I moved my hand to the lock, I unlatched it with a click. Larry pushed the door open to see me. He was shocked to see the damage done on my arm. I couldn't look him in the eyes, I was scared. My breath picked up speed, I felt sick. Before I could say anything Larry hugged me. He hugged me? Why? Why would he do that, we hate each other. Larry slowly pulled away looking at the damage. "Holy shit... let's um.. get those cuts cleaned up" He said staring down at my wrists. You couldn't even see my skin, it was all blood. Larry backed out of the stall and walked to the sink, beckoning me to follow. I put the blade back into my phone case and followed shortly after. I stood a good distance away from him, scared to get closer. "Get over here. I can't help you from that far away." He tone was stern, it scared me slightly. I complied and got closer. Being this close to Larry made me have butterflies in my stomach, my cheeks heated up slightly. I prayed Larry wouldn't notice. "Why." I blurted out before stopping to think. "Why what?" Larry replied, he had to have known what I meant. "Why are you helping me? Why are you being nice to me? Why did you notice? Just why?" A million thoughts were running through my head faster than I could speak. I stared up at him, he wasn't much taller than me but still towered over me ever so slightly. I made eye contact with him. His soft brown eyes meeting mine, I could get lost in them for ages. Wait. No. Stop thinking like that. This is why Father hates me."You've done bad things Travis, but no one should resort to this. I don't know what your life is like, but it must be pretty shitty to resolve into this." He says clearly mentioning my arms. He applys a clean towel to it. It stung badly, tears nipped at my eyes threatening to fall. Larry noticed this and wiped them away. Him being this close was making me think about how pretty he was. His beautiful Latino skin and long hair, he was gorgeous. I shouldn't be thinking about this, it was wrong. I shouldn't feel this way. "Earth to Travis" Larry says, I zoned out while thinking about him. My face flushed a deep red, I looked down hoping he hadn't noticed it. "I.. I'm here" I stuttered. Why the fuck did I stutter. He probably thinks I'm a fucking loser now. "Why did you do this" Larry asks after being silent for a bit. I froze, how do I answer. I can't tell anyone about my Father, no one would believe me anyways. Do I lie? "Um my cat scratched me before school" I lied. Larry clearly wasn't buying it but it made him not ask again so I think he understood tht I couldn't tell him. He bandaged up my arm, it hurt so bad. I like the pain I got from cutting, it made me feel. My arms throbbed, the bandages felt weird as I had never bandaged my cuts before. "...thank you Johnson." I said looking away from him. I glanced back to see how he reacted, he was shocked for a moment till he smiled. He's smile, it was beautiful. "Listen Travis, I'm not sure what happened and I know we aren't close... but if it happens again let me know and I'll help you bandage then again." Larry said staring into my eyes. I had this shocked look to my face, I thought he hated me. Is this the school year where I abandoned my dad's views. I can't, he'd kill me. But. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right? "I will consider that." I said nervously while trying not to stare at Larry too long. If I did I ended up a blushing mess. Why do I feel like this? Am I gay? No, no that's impossible, right? I couldn't be. "Well the bell is going to ring, I have to get to class" I said really fast while pulling my sleeves down, I immediately sprinted out the door to my first class.

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