♡Part two

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~Larry POV~

Travis ran out of the bathroom the minute I was done wrapping his arm. I didn't expect much more. I wonder why he was cutting himself. Now that I think about it, I know absolutely nothing about him. Minus the fact he's religious... Wait. Could that be why? No, no, it couldn't, right? There's no time to think about that right now, I gotta get to class, or I'll have detention again, and mom will kill me. While packing up my things, I realized that Travis left his phone here. It feels oddly heavy for a phone, maybe it's his case. I slip his phone into my pocket and walk out of the bathroom. The second my foot hits the ground, the bell rings. Great. I'm late again. Since I'm late anyways I'll take my time to class. I walk for about 5 minutes till I'm at my class. I open the door to be greeted with the word 'detention' yelled at me. This teacher is a raging bitch but I say nothing and take my seat. It's about 10 minutes into class, and I feel eyes on my, I look behind to see Travis staring at me. He notices this and turns away immediately. I continue staring, taking in every aspect of his completion. He blong hair hung neatly in front of his face, his dark brown eyes that matched his cocoa skin. He was stunning. Wait what. No. He's a dickhead to my friends. Why am I thinking about him this way? I stare at his face, he had a huge bruise on his right eye. It seems like that it is always there. I looked past the mark on his face. I noticed that Travis had freckles, a lot of them too. They made his face seem cuter. No, stop. He's your enemy. Stop thinking like that. I look away and shake my head to get rid of those thoughts. 10 more painstaking minutes later, and the bell rings. Thank God. Travis ran out the door before I could tell him I have his phone. I go through two more boring hours, and then finally the lunch bell rings. I walk out of class, scanning the halls for the blond boy. I grab his phone out of my pocket. I feel something sharp poke me, it didn't draw blood, just made me jump a bit. While observing my pocket, I realize his phone case isn't on. I slowly pull his phone and the case out, making sure I don't get poked in the process. That's when I noticed blood on me. I stop dead in my tracks, it wasn't mine, I hadn't been cut. I pulled the rest of the contents of my pocket out to find three razor blades. They were all in different stages of age, one in particular was very rusty. It seemed to have been used most recently. Shit. That's from this morning. I need to find Travis.

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