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Ruby was still sitting on the ground, she had turned her head looking around her surroundings, she was in a very big vast Forest where the trees are so tall it looks like they can reach the sky, she doesn't know why but every time she breathes the air feels fresh, untouched she can even hear animals from the far distance, even heard Birds, she doesn't know why it feels very familiar like she's at home but the exact same time unfamiliar to her.

Ruby began to focus harder trying to remember what she lost, she's guessing she had amnesia cuz she has no memory of what happened before she end up here, she feels like she was with someone or a group of people but she doesn't know why, she looked at herself she tilted her head questioning why she's wearing a skirt, she likes the outfit but why she's wearing the Red Cloak it feels important to her for some reason but she doesn't know why.

Ruby stand up at first she was a bit wobbly trying to rebalance herself until, she finally did it she looked at her surroundings again, she looked around again and again and realized, what is she going to do, she have no more memory of herself or her past only who she is and she has no idea where she is.

Ruby stand there trying to think what to do until she realized she's not going to get anywhere if she just stand there thinking all day, so she decided to walk straight until she finds something so she began her journey at first it was a bit surprising looking around this new area was quite amazing, the trees were so ginormous and she even see a few animals mostly deer but, they were even sometimes sees other animals, for instance as she was walking towards the edge of a cliff she stopped and looked very closely on the far distance noticing movement, what she looking at what look like elephants, hairy elephants not just one but an entire horde of them.

Ruby's eyes widen and like dinner plates these hairy elephants were huge, no ginormous she didn't know animals can get that big and yet she sees these creatures very familiar and, she look very closely she realized they were even smaller elephants with them, this wasn't just a pack of elephants this was literally an entire family, ruby smiled but she needs to remind herself these elephants may be big but very strong that could be very dangerous if she's not careful, she noticed one of the elephants the biggest one easily destroyed one of the giant trees, so she really need to be very cautious if she encountered these elephants up close.

She continue walking seeing the gorgeous landscape the more she sees the more she's amazed, there are animals all across the land, There were Roses, mountains and of Great Blue Sea even tree as far she could see, she walked for several hours with no end. Ruby stopped when she discovered something unusual she sees claw marks on a tree, the marks were big and what ever made this claw mark she need to be carefu, night arrived she stopped in one area next to a lake where she made camp fire, as ruby sat down next the fire, she tried to regain her memories but she got nothing, the same thing happened again and again she doesn't know what happened before she end up here, did she end up here or did someone took her here or did she came here alone.

Ruby sigh in defeat full knowing she's not going to get her memories now or maybe she will get them back in the future if, she gets her memories back, her eyes start to get heavy as Ruby position herself getting ready to sleep, she slowly closed her eyes let him sleep in his consumer. At the beginning there was nothing, no light, No Stars, no Galaxy, no life, it was Pitch Black or there wasn't black, colorless Beyond color, color does not exist there was nothing, then suddenly a Big Bright Light exploded out of nowhere, this light and this explosion is infecting the Universe at this very moment, the explosion continued on for many years until it form and reshapen into a star, a big fiery ball of light spins, to most people it looks like it's spinning slowly but in reality it was spinning incredibly fast.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 11 ⏰

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