29. going too far - chanlix 💔🔞

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"Verbal dialogue"
'internal dialogue'

For the anti-angst babies I have a version planned without the open ending and without like.... Half of the warnings below... The next will be happy ending instead 😗 also sorry Chan and Lix biased this was kinda painful to write so my bad. Also. Before you read. Real quick. FYI I do really plan on making the alternative version much MUCH less... This one...

Also. The spamming comments on every other line have got to stop. It's annoying as shit bro. It ain't cute. Next person that does it is getting blocked, or comments deleted. Use your common sense... For fucks sake... Fiction is fiction and I write what I want and I don't welcome your criticism I've said it thousands of times so don't be a jackass. If you don't like something don't read it. And before some of you try to correct others on "big words" go find a dictionary first. You need it for the small words too.
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(After publishing edit: warnings in list format for easier reading, please read through them fully) leave a comment on this line for anytime forgotten

⚠️⚠️ WARNING: this one shot includes but is not limited to:

– Jealousy and toxic reactive behavior
– non consent/rape with penetration
– denial/orgasm denial
– severe degradation/verbal abuse
– depressive behavior
– Suggested ed
– Suggested sh
– Highly suggestive sui attempt
Involuntary and forced squirting and water sporting

this is going to be geared towards being a very dark very angsty and very toxic smut, if any of these you do not like please SKIP this update and wait for the next one, reading fan fiction isn't worth your mental health (says author who's writing it🤐) ⚠️⚠️

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"Felix?!" Chans eyes dart over to felix, as he watches the younger, who's separated off from his side and had started chatting happily, the social butterfly he is, with other after party attendees

Chan had never had a problem with Felix and the way he's a natural social butterfly, able to make new friends anywhere and everywhere he goes but what does bother him is when he starts giving them more attention than what he, not only as Felix's group mate and leader but also as his long time boyfriend, is comfortable with. Knowing he ought to sit it out and go back to conversing with his own group of party goers he had collected company of, he turns away effectively blocking out the younger... until one of the men he'd been chatting with catches his attention.

"Hey, isn't that the friend you came with earlier? You ought to keep your eye on him, don't want him taken right out of your arms mate." The man claps a hand on chans shoulder as he shuffles past him back to the bar for another drink, the rest of the group glancing around at each other before they themselves pull away awkwardly in different directions.

Looking back over time seeming to have passed by quite some bit, Felix has changed from sitting comfortably at a table with a group of people chatting, to standing in the middle of the floor with a separate group who are feeding him drinks and gripping at him as he pliantly dances around them.

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