A/N: not an update/taking my time + hyune skz record

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This year's been a series of one thing after another and a lot of losses but just know that for everyone who's bookmarked this one shot series book and are waiting for updates I've got 3 one shots in progress and they'll be uploaded as soon as I'm able too...

I've got some readers – one who I consider a little sister who can't read fics like this because of Ramadan so I may not even update until after that so that she and maybe others don't have to feel as left out but I'll try my best to give you guys an update or some kind.

The only other thing I can say is how proud of our hyune I am, those of you who are Muslim and are hyunjin biased you'll love his two skz records 🥲

Also here's a pink hyune pic I'm still stuck on cos why not

Also here's a pink hyune pic I'm still stuck on cos why not

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