sorry not an update yet

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First sorry I haven't updated, I've been working a new job and it's over night stocking so when I'm not there I'm usually bumming it asleep, but I promise I'm slowly making progress on some promised updates

Second it might still be a while before I do fully update since I am on fact working overnights now, and I'll soon be moved to full time hours.

Third I'm sick and tired of seeing my work as well as the work of my friends who of which all work very hard on what we wrote being underminded by people who thoughtlessly type out comments that sound so fucking hateful. Please stop commenting on ANY writers works underminding their style of writing or the dynamics they use just because it's not your preference I'm sick of the mean ass comments and it's for no reason. Think before you comment because I just had to bitch someone out on my besties own oneshot book because there's so many people commenting jackass shit

@ my writer besties I love you and your work is fucking amazing

Thank you for 60, 70, and now 80 k total reads, between here and my planned book I swear I'll try to work quicker but I'm making no promises, this account is still alive and active i swear,

as always link in about section for socials and other info

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