Chapter 34:Lets talk

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Foxy waited for puppet to wake up when he did Foxy decided to talk to him about the text ''Oh good morning Foxy''Puppet said stretching his arms ''Oh good morning so how are you feeling?''Foxy said ''Am feeling better so where you besides me this whole time?''Puppet said ''Yeah I wanted to talk...''Foxy said changing his tone to from concern to serious ''Yeah what is it?''puppet said ''I know this is a little noisy but I checked your phone and saw you weren't going to school''Foxy said ''Oh...''Puppet said looking away ''So why did you not go? I mean if your fine with me asking you sounded like a great student  so what happened?''Foxy questioned ''...Its complicated ...''Puppet said trying to think of a lie ''I understand''Foxy said making Puppet look back a little suprise that Foxy didn't ask to push the subject ''...thanks foxy''puppet said smiling ''No problem''Foxy said Puppet is looking around the room and he brushes past something soft he picks it up and looks at it its a Teddy bear with a red bowtie''Whats this?''Puppet said Foxy turns red and quickly takes the ebar and hides it behind his back  ''Its Nothing!''Foxy said Puppet laughs ''its fine to still have stuffed animals am not going to judge you''Puppet said giggling ''thanks ...''Foxy said still embarrased ''you know you got me a stuffed animal of a duck?''Puppet said ''Oh''Foxy said remebering that now ''still its a little embarrasing  that I still have this''foxy said ''well if it makes you feel better I had a lot of duck plushies as a kid''Puppet said ''Really?''Foxy said ''Yeah sometimes kids would make fun of me when it was show and tell in kinder garden''Puppet said ''Oh am sorry to hear that''Foxy said ''Its all in the past ''Puppet said ''Please don't laugh  but I named my teddy bear  Mr Wigglesworth''Foxy said Puppet covers his mouth''pff its a heh its a intresting name''puppet said laughing Foxy hugs Mr Wigglesworth close turning red ''I told you not to laugh!''Foxy said .



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