Chapter 36:rain day

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Foxy finished a part of his diary and looked out the window it was raining hard ''hey Georgie schools cancel because the rain flooded half the scool''Pennywize said from his doorway ''ok thanks dad''Foxy said focusing on his dairy ''oh and your friend was able to get here''Pennywize said ''What?''Foxy said looking at the doorway to see Pennywize walk away and Puppet walk in the room his hair was soaked in water and so were his clothing ''um hey Foxy''Puppet said waving ''Puppet! did you really walk here in this weather!''Foxy said with a little angry in his voice getting up and hold puppet's shoulders 

''I know I know but i heard school was on hold for awhile and I wanted to hang out and just be good friends ''Puppet said''Sigh*ok fair enough ''Foxy said noticing a bag on Puppet's back ''so did you bring a spare set of clothing''Foxy said ''Yeah i knew I was going to get soaked so I had to prepare''Puppet said chuckling getting foxy to laugh with him 

afterawhile Puppet took a shower and dried his hair they swapped out Puppet was looking around foxy's room noticing some changes these past few months he looks outside at the rain  ''nye! ''Purple guy said ''Hey Puppet come on and join us the weather is perfect for sailing ''Freddy said Puppet looked to where he heard them from the outside and sees Purple guy and Freddy on a Canoe sailing  down the streets Puppet closes the curtains and contunies to look around the room he sits down on the bed and hears a thud he looks down and sees a red book ''hm? whats this now''Puppet thought picking it up flipping on the first page reading through ''oh its his diary''Puppet thought reading at the last part ''oh so he'll kiss me then''Puppet said turning red reading the last few sentances Puppet thought for a second''no no I need to wait ''Puppet thought putting the book down waiting for Foxy to get out the shower

oddities:friends foreverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ