The start

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  For the third time Mahendra looked out the window of the court ''three hours'' he thought ,three hours had left before sunset after which he will be able to leave and go to his room. It wasn't like he didn't want to be here, after all he was the tenth Prince of devanagari being in court was his duty not that he liked it though, he again looked out the window there was no change in scenery so he decide to focus on the proceedings happening in front of him.

Another tiring day. He walked to his room being done with court as maids and guards bow down to him. he was amused how little time it had gotten him to get used to this, it had been only an year since he found out that he was a prince, only an year since the King had come to his home 'no not his home' he thought, it was now the home of the people that had raised him for seventeen years of his life calling him their child only to one day tell him he was a prince of a foreign land now being the only hire left to be king. He again tried to abandoned these thoughts but they kept coming back he finally reached his room in this maze of a palace. Dinner was a simple affair even though he was supposed to eat with the king and his chief queen though they as usual did not talked to him while dining as it was culturally wrong to talk while eating food and he was grateful for that after dinner he retired to his room and laid down while again dreading the next day.

    Another morning, like everyday. he did his morning routine and proceeded to go to the court. However unlike any other day he got an unusual case this time. A farmer had come to complain that the bell on the neck of his cow had been stolen. The other ministers had dismissed the compliant then and there wondering why would he come to the prince's court for this but the farmer had begged him with hopeful eyes so he promised to help him.

  Currently He was on the way to meet the king, his birth father. As he entered the King's private quarter he could hear the king and queen fighting. He ignored it like always and told the guard to announce his presence as soon as his presence was announced the Royal couple had stopped fighting so he entered the King like usual gave him small smile while the queen left in a huff. The king told him to take a seat which he did "you called me" he asked "yes" the answer was short  "I heard you promised to help a farmer today" now he was confused why would the king call him for such a small matter so he just nodded his head which just caused the king to shake his head "I heard the whole case. you're the future king you can't go around finding some random thief, what are you going to do now? find a thief that stole a bell of a cow?" He ended in a huff. Did the king really think of him as that stupid? Obviously he wasn't going to find the theif, "I was just going buy him a new bell and tell him it was the stolen bell" he decide to clear the situation, at that king looked almost relieved before he quickly asked "but why? you could have just dismiss him" like you would have, thought mahendra but kept it to himself "he had came with lot of hope"  he replied telling the actual reason he had helped the king though looked displeased at that but he did not let him know "very well , you did that now but how many times are you gonna keep doing that ,one day you will to accept you can't help everyone" the king said trying to sound like he cared about him. He knew that, he knew the moment he wasn't able to help himself, but still out of respect he nodded his head at the king "well if you're done with court work maybe we could do a dual?" The king asked his usual way of trying to make him stay a little longer "forgive me my lord but I'm tired and I would like to rest" he replied. the king looked hurt but tried not to show it "as you wish," so he moved out of the way.

Mahendra was now in his room laying on his bed thinking about his meeting with the king his birth father. He remembers how the king himself had come to pick him up after he was told that he was a prince and currently the only hire left, it was only a year ago when he had come to devanagari.  The king had welcomed him with open arms giving him all the love a father would his child. At first he was shocked how easily the king had opened his heart for him only to be disappointed after he found out why exactly it was easy for the king to do that. sometimes he felt pity for the king but he still couldn't bring himself to accept him as his father, he was grateful the king had accepted his request of staying as two people who barely knew each other all he needed was time which he knew he didn't have still he chose being selfish to the king but he didn't care at the time all he cared about was his anger, His anger of being lied to, his anger of being casted away, his anger of not having a normal childhood, his anger of not having normal family, his anger of not having a normal life, he knew this much anger was not good for him nor anyone else but still he didn't care. all he wanted was to be five years old again playing in the sunshine all day then going to sleep in his mother's arms.

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