Chapter 1 // HotGuy

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Grian was correcting some exams in his study at home while having the radio on and Maui playing with Pearl on his bed. The night was already there and the time was pretty late already but he needed to finish that.

He was starting to fall asleep but he still tried to keep going, his eyelids were feeling heavy and after a while he couldn't take his sleep depravation and fell asleep on top of Robin Woods' math exam. He completly forgot about the fire in the chimney that was keeping him warm.

After a while of playing, around 2am Maui accidentally trowed Grians blanket next to the fire and so it expanded trought the house. The smoke and the cats crying waked up Grian who grabbed the cats and noticed he was surrounded by burning fire. He needed to get out but he was trapped on a corner with the cats. Breathing the smoke made him start to feel dizzy and he fell to his knees with the cats on his lap. This vision was becoming blurry and he started coughing without control. 

Meanwhile the newest hero of the city that didn't know had a hero, was patrolling near there and saw the fireon a block that was familiar to him.

HotGuy - Oh. Fire. Wait! That's G's house! The cats! Maui! Pearl! Uncle Scar is coming! -

Luckily for him Grian was suposed to be on Rens's karaoke night, so the scarred hero ran into the fouse to find his close friend and workmate almost unconcious and coughing weakly on a corneree with the cats on his lap. Why was he here? Wasn't him on Rens party? He started asking questions until he saw the most horrible tthing he saw in a long time: Grian slipping out of conciousness.

HotGuy - Scar, concentrate! You have to save Grian! What kind of hero would you be if you are not able to save your dear friend?-

He quikly carried his friend in his arms and got one cat on each shoulder. Running outside of the departament he called the firefighters and then Cub.

HotGuy - Cub... How does the walking aid resist fire? -

Cub >> First day! First day and you are already breaking the material! <<

HotGuy - Grian and his cats were inside that fire! -

Maui - Meow! -

Cub >> Get that thing away from the comunicator! <<

HotGuy - Grians students are gonna be so mad after this.... -

Cub >>Why? <<

HotGuy - He was correcting exams. -

Cub >> He can't compalin, you saved his life. <<

HotGuy - I have to hang up, he is waking up. -

Grian - Fire! Maui! Pearl! -

HotGuy - D-don't worry dear fr- citizen your cats are also here with us. You should relax, though. You inhaled a lot of smoke back there.

Isn't this a good start? Welcome tto this story where superheroes are in need of walking aids and cats burn houses down.

Enjoy this first chapter of an Scarian and Ethubs story as the main characters and maybe Flower Ranchers, who knows?

Lore blessings,

Charlie Moonstone

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