Chapter 2 // The Reunion

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Grian didn't go to the hospital and instead of it he just got into Jimmy's house, who was still at Rens party and slept on his sofa with Simon, Pearl and Maui.

The next day he went to teach class like any other day, but he wasn't expecting his crush to know about the fire.

Scar - Hey G! How are you? I heard about the news. You can stay at my place while you search for a new house.... -

Grian - No, thanks. I'm staying at Jimmy's -

Cleo - What news? - 

Scar - Oh. Grian's house burned down and a new hero apeared to save him. Was he cool? -

Grian - I guess. He left quickly. -

Cleo - Well, well..... My little brother seems very interested in this new hero. Are you ok, though, Grian? If you inhaled a lot of smoke you should be in a hos- You are coming with me young man. -

Grian - You are only three years older than Scar and me. -

Cleo - I don't care you are coming with me later. After classes. You won't be able to scape. -

At the end of the day Cleo took Grian to her apartment shared with Etho, who was a doctor.

Etho - You got a boyfriend? I though you were lesbian. - 

Cleo - He is a coworker and your patient now, Dr. Labs. My friend here,  inhaled a lot of smoke last night in a fire and he didn't go to the hospital. -

Etho - Okay. Mr. Coworker, please take off your shirt and lay on the sofa so I can checkyour breathing and make sure you are ok. -

Grian did what the doctor said and Dr. Labs atarted checking on his vitals.

Etho - Filled with smoke. Mr., I will need to have you here for observation for a few days. You can stay in my room. I'll sleep on the sofa. - 

Grian - But- . -

Etho - No buts. If you didn't want this you should have gone to a hospital yesterday. May I have your name? -

Grian - Full mane? Grian Xelqua Solidarity. - 

Etho - Gri? Sabishikatta yo, Odori-san. (I missed you, little bird.) -

Grian - Etho! I missed you to! I though you were at Japan. -

Etho - I was. Now I live with Cleo. -

Cleo - You kno each other? - 

Etho - He is my older cousin. -

Cleo - Ah. Well. G, you are staying here for a while so I'll get the spare bed  on Etho's room. -

Etho - What happend to your wings? -

Grian - I cutted them off. But I can make them grow again. -

Etho - That sounds...... painful. -

Grian - Is not like I cut them off every day. -

Etho - But still....... -

Cleo // Grian -  . . . -

Etho - I hate this freaking society. Mutants are not monsters. Witches are not villains. And sirens are not tirans. Someone should change it. Their new "hero" is controlled by them. -

Grian - I bet he wouldn't have saved me if he saw my wings. -

Etho - I don't think so he is also a mutant. -

Cleo - But the goverment wouldn't have letted him. -

Etho - Heroes shoudn't be controlled. -

Cleo - Someone should do something. -

Grian - Who? Humans are weak and the others are scared. -

Etho - It could be...... us? We are both mutant and witches. You a parrot hybrid, me a snowfox  and elf. I bet I would be better than HotGuy. -

Grian - What if we act like we are on his same team? Like being similar to him in name and desing but we help everybody. -

Cleo - I could do the costumes. -

Grian - Mumbo could be able to make some weapons. -

Etho - And the  names? -

Cleo - He is HotGuy, no? Then you would be CuteGuy and TallGuy. -

Grian - Sounds perfect. -

Etho - But I have to stop you as your doctor until you recover. Get in bed. -

Hi there! :D I wanted to continue working and found a spare little time in my days. I hope you guys have enjoyed it and I recomend you to go and look at my friend's account their name is 


They also write about Scarian and other ships.

Lore blessings,

Charlie Moonstone

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