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Rays of the morning sun lightened the yard long ago,loading everything into the vans. They are almost ready to leave. Just a few things here and there,the crew is checking on.

"Careful; we don't want anything to be left behind."

Hoseok's voice boomed through the yard,sipping his morning coffee with a hand on his hip. The sunshine male took every responsibility on his shoulders from day one. A smile appeared on his lips when he felt the gentle sliding of two hands around his waist. A nose nuzzled his neck as he lifted his hand, ruffling the black hair of his boyfriend.

"You ready?"

The black strands tickled his chin when Seokjin nodded. He lifted his head to place his chin on Hoseok's shoulder, gaze trailing from Taehyung to Jungkook to Jimin on the yard, sipping their drinks as the crew arranged the bus.

"Where is Joon?"

Hoseok took another sip of his coffee before trailing his eyes on the yard too.

"Still sleeping may be.Let me-"

The warmth left Hoseok's shoulder as Seokjin straightened himself before placing a kiss on his neck.

"Enjoy your coffee. I am going to wake him up."


Yoongi bent himself before the body mirror, letting go of his fingers, running them through the long locks of raven. His gaze moved from his hair to the reflection of his bed, thin lips stretching into a smile as. Turning around, he strided towards it.

he mattress dipped a little when he put one knee on the bed.He moved at his side, elbowing the pillow before resting his head on his palm, gently securing himself next to the sleeping man.

It was against a dressing room mirror that night, six months ago, Yoongi's heart had found the one he just couldn't let go of, even if he wanted to. He had remembered every way Namjoon felt that night-his every breath, his every gasp,every whimper,every inch. He was so astounded by the fact that he became convinced no moment could top that memory.

But there is this last night he spent with the brunette. And this night has etched it into his psyche and closed his intellect. It's not as if he's only now remembered it; he could feel Namjoon all over him, his whimpers, his gasps, his shakes, every part of him against his palm, and that recollection has taken up more space in his mind than the previous one. Now he became convinced that one day, when he would open the dairy of his mind, he would find nothing but namjoon in it. And the day is not very far away.

'I love you'

A love swealed in his heart. He never believes in 'happy tears'-a phrase Hoseok uses often. But when he felt the moisture burning his irishes, even though he was not sad, suddenly Hoseok's face flashed in his mind.

'These are the happy tears, hyung-nim'

He blinked with a chuckle, gaze trailing from namjoon's black hair discarding all over the forhead, long lashes seated calmly over the tan skin, and his lips stretched more if it's possible.

'My love,my baby,my Namjoon. Mine'

He couldn't help but lift his finger and tap on the button nose,chuckling when the male twitched his nose but didn't wake up. His eyes fell on the plush lips,red and a bit swollen. Yoongi lost count of how many times he kissed the male last night. Yet he wanted to kiss him again. With a sigh, he leaned in and placed his lips on Namjoon's, backing away after giving him a peck. A loud laugh echoed through the room as the male whined in his sleep.

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