CHAPTER 37: A Test Of Courage

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{Ellie Todoroki}

{DAY 3 - 9AM}

All of us trying to improve our quirks while Vlad King and Class 1B are watching from the side and they are about to join us.

Everyone is improving our own abilities with our quirks.

Bakugo with his explosions, Shoto with his half hot/half cold, Eijiro with his hardening, Midoriya with his OFA and me with my blue flames.

"Good luck Eijiro, I will see you later" I said, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Yeah, I will see you later pebble" he said while kissing your cheek.

'Let's start with burning down trees before I work on my temperature' I thought to myself as I started up my quirk.


"Don't lose focus, each of you can go faster and no matter what you are doing, just remember where you have started from, don't forget who you were before you went to UA. Always keep in mind while you are sweating and why your limits keep getting tested. That's what it means to improve" Mr Aizawa said before dismissing the class.

{Katsuki Bakugo}

'Where I have started...'

{Shoto Todoroki}

'Who I am...'

{Izuku Midoriya}

'How I got here...'

{Ellie Todoroki}

'I will become a hero...'

"It's time to cook for yourselves kitties!" Mandalay and Pixie-Bob said.

All of us were really exhausted and out of breath.

"Come on everyone, let's show them what plus ultra means!" I yelled out with my fist in the air.

"Thanks Ellie" Mr Aizawa said with a smile.

"Anytime Mr Aizawa" I said with a small smile.

'These fires are not going to start themselves' I thought to myself as I placed my hand in front of some wood, starting a fire.

"Hey Todoroki, Ellie, can we get some fire over here too?" Mina asked.

"Sure" the two of us said.

"Bakugo...use an explosion to light that" Sero said.

"This is so beneath me!" Bakugo yelled with an explosion.


Suddenly, my phone went off.

I'm checking my phone on who is calling me and I saw that it was Hawks.

"Why is Hawks calling you?" Shoto asked.

"I don't know but it might be important" I said, going into the building to answer the call while Shoto went somewhere else.

My Phone📱

Wing Hero Hawks 🐤

"Hey uncle Hawks, what happened? What's going on?" I questioned.

"Hey little birdie...something has happened to your dad and Endeavor. I know that you and Shoto are at training camp right now but me and your family really need the two of you to come to the hospital asap" Keigo said.

A PRO HERO's DAUGHTER {Kirishima x Reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora