CHAPTER 50: Shindo Vs Ellie Todoroki

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{Izuku Midoriya}

"Everyone, stay close together. We will fight them as a group" I said.

"Tch. Yeah right, this is not a field trip" Kacchan said, storming off.

Kacchan walked off on this own as he took Kaminari with him and Kirishima followed. Then Ellie and Todoroki went off on their own too.

"I do not think that it is a good idea for them five to go on their own though" I said to the group.

"How come?" they asked.

"Think about it, everyone already know what powers we have. So they come after us first" I said.

I have no doubt that those five will be alright on their own, they are all strong and have amazing quirks. Besides, it makes me feel at ease that Todoroki is with Ellie so that they can protect each other, even though Kirishima is being overprotective of her too. 

Pass this exam you five!

{Ellie Todoroki}

The exam has started and Midoriya suggested to stay in a group but Bakugo disagreed and now I'm with Eijiro, Bakugo, Shoto and Kaminari.

"Wait, slow down red!" I called out.

"Now way pebble, we are going to be doing this together with Bakugo and Kaminari, there is no way I am letting you out of my sight, even for a second!" Eijiro said.

"But red, Bakugo said it himself, this is not a field trip. I have to do this myself!" I said.

"I know what he said but you are not going alone!" he said.

"Why the hell not red? Give me a reason!" I said.

"You want a reason, fine! I do not want that other idiot to steal you!" he said, blushing a little.

"T-That is what you are worried about?" I stuttered.

"O-Obviously...I saw the way he was drooling over you and that really annoyed me so much!" Eijiro said.

"Aww Eijiro, you are so cute when you are jealous!" I teased.

"I - I am not cute or jealous!" he stuttered with a blush.

"You are and there is nothing to worry about Eijiro, I am all yours!" I said, placing a kiss on his cheek.

Eijiro's ears just turned red at the tips.

"Fine! And you are mine so do not forget it!" he said, pecking you on the cheek.

I just blushed a little. 

"Heh, I will not forget it, I will see you later red! Hey Shoto, wait up!" he said.

"You better protect her Todoroki!" he called out.

"I will!" Shoto said.

"Hey sparky, keep an eye on him for me!" I said to Kaminari.

"You can count on me Ellie!" he said as he smiled a little.

"Bye Eijiro!" I said, blowing him a kiss goodbye.

"Bye pebble!" Eijiro said with a blush.

"Let's go Shoto!" I said.

"Let's go guys!" I heard Eijiro say.

Me and Shoto are running side by side, looking for some targets.

"What made you want to come with me instead of your boyfriend?" Shoto asked.

"We are a family and we need to stick together. Also, I need to do this by myself and don't need my boyfriend's help" I said.

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