Part 2

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A/N I was supposed to post this chapter a few days ago but totally forgot about it, not gonna lie, I've been sick the last couple days and didn't have it in me. Anyway, just know that this chapter is set on march 7th.

March, 7th

Two months, three hours, twenty two minutes and forty nine seconds, that's how long it's been since Steve and Natasha decided to adopt. And it's been dead silent, so quite that Natasha began to wonder if there was a flaw in their application.

"My love, standing in front of the phone isn't going to make them call any faster." Steve spoke, coming up behind his wife and placing his hands gently on her shoulders, giving them a squeeze

Natasha let out a sigh and craned her neck to look up at him "I know, I'm just anxious." She replied, placing her hands over his and turning her head to place a kiss his lips

A loud ring sounded through the room, Natasha perked up and instantly reached for her phone, only for a frown to grace her lips as she read the contact. Declining the call, she set her phone back down, the screen facing the couch cushion.

The phone rang again and without even looking at the screen, she turned it to silent. Steve furrowed his eyebrows and asked "who's that?"

Natasha sighed again, her shoulders slumping as she replied "my mother, she's been calling me everyday almost. I always ignore it." She shrugged

Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in-between his index finger and thumb "I can't believe I'm gonna say this." He murmured "Nat, maybe you should talk to her... if anything, get some closure."

Natasha looked back up at her husband, her eyes full of a thousand questions, only one of which she asks "she's hurt me so much, Steve, physically, emotionally." Tears began to brim her eyes as she continued "why should I talk to her again?"

"To get the closure you've been needing since before we got married." He replied softly, wiping away the lone tear that ran down her cheek

The phone rang once again, proving to be on some sort of timer that always interrupts them. Reaching for the small device she let out a long breath as she slid the green button along the bottom of the screen and answered the call.

"Mom." She greeted, her voice void of any emotion as she greeted the woman on the other end of the line

Steve took a seat beside his wife, placing a hand on her thigh and running a soothing thumb over the soft skin.

"Natalia." Her mothers voice rang out on the other end of the line, her voice just as cold and stoic as she remembered

"What is it?" Natasha asked, letting out a huff as she spoke

Melina let out a sigh as she spoke softly, so softly that Natasha barley heard her "I wanted to speak to you, see how things are going."

"I don't see how that's any of your business." She replied shortly


"It's Natasha." She corrected

Melina sighed, although it was hard to tell if it was in frustration or of tiredness "Natasha, I wanted to meet with you, talk. There's some things I want to tell you, get off my chest."

"Why now?!" Natasha practically shouted in frustration

Steve tapped her thigh and gave it a squeeze, dragging her attention to him and calming her down. Natasha looked at him, tears brimming her eyes and Steve gave her a nod of encouragement.

Without her mother saying another word, Natasha spoke "where?"

"How about the house." She suggested

Natasha tensed, every bone in her body going rigid "the house?" She questioned

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