Part 4

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First I'd like to say how sorry I am for the delayed update, I was supposed to release this chapter over a month ago. Clearly I got busy.

Long story short, a lots been going on health wise and I don't know how often I'm gonna be able to post. I have a feeling this might be my last story on this app and although that thought makes me sad, it's something that might have to be done.

Anyway...on to the chapter, I hope y'all enjoy!

April, 8th

"So as of now she's still going through with it?" Steve asked Camille over the phone as he paced around his large living room. Natasha watching from the couch, anxiously bit her bottom lip as she watched his every move.

"Yes, Mr. Rogers. As of now she's still going through with the adoption process. Like I said, she wants to meet you and Mrs. Rogers first, make sure that your the 'right fit'." She explained

Steve cleared his throat, turning to look at his wife who looked at him curiously "so, uh, when and where does she want to do this?"

"As soon as possible, she said anywhere is fine. Maybe you could do it at her place or at a nice restaurant-" Camille trailed off as the sound of shuffling papers echoed through the line

"We'll do it here." Steve interrupted

"Do what here?" Natasha mouthed in question

Steve held up his index finger and mouthed a quick "one minute." Before redirecting his attention to the call. Natasha let out a small huff, leaning back in her spot.

"That sounds fine, Mr. Rogers. I'll let her know and see if she's okay with that. Is there anywhere else you'd be willing to do it if she's doesn't agree?"

"Anywhere if fine, as long as she's comfortable." He replied

The sound of paper's shuffling could be heard on the other end of the line once again before Camille's voice came back and she said "I'll call her right now and then I'll call you back to tell you what she decides, okay?"

Steve gave a curt nod, although she couldn't see it, and breathed out a quick "sounds good."

"Okay, goodbye, Mr. Rogers. We'll talk soon."

With that they disconnected the call and Steve took a seat beside Natasha on the couch. Grabbing her feet, he dragged them on to his lap and began to message the soles of them. Natasha smiled, relishing in his soothing touch.

"What was that about?" She asked, her elbow propped up on the back of the couch and her hand making a fist against the side of her head

Steve sighed "the mom wants to meet us, see if we're a good fit for her child."

Natasha smiled "and when is this happening?"

Steve shrugged "haven't decided yet, Camille is going to see if she's willing to do it here, if not we can do it somewhere else."

Natasha hummed in acknowledgment and nodded in thought "sounds good to me."

"I figured you'd be more comfortable doing it here, considering we haven't met her. I know how you get around new people." He told her, turning his head to look at her, his ocean blue eyes boreing into her emerald green ones

Natasha smiled at his thoughtfulness and moving in her spot, she moved closer to Steve, laying her head against his shoulder. Her feet stayed on his lap, Steve still massaging them. "Thank you, for always thinking of me. Always putting me first, it means a lot." She told him

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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