Skyscraper ( Rose's edited version )

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Hey... I am not really into Demi Lovato, but I wrote this song the first time I heard skyscraper... I changed the words, threw my notebook and cried :'( Reminded me of my broken friendship with Beth..


(piano drops in)

Lies are believable;

the truth is hurtful,

why cant people give me a chance?

Just to be happy;

and  be tear free,

for one day is all I ask...

Why do people;

come and break me...

as if I am completely lifeless?

My happiness just turns around in a flash;

all they can do is to enjoy my life crash,

as if my heart is made out of glass.

As if it can be thrown away like a piece of paper.

They might try to drag me down,

but they can just watch me rise from the ground.

Like a skyscraper!

like a skyscraper!

Promises have been broken;

my heart has spoken,

Why cant people just leave me be?

Just to smile;

and feel cheerful ,

to just let my feelings be free?

Now all the trust I had,

will always be broken...

but I will keep standing on my feet.

Some people just love to watch me die;

giving my life away every time I cry,

as if my heart is made out of glass.

As if it can be thrown away like a piece of paper.

They might try to drag me down,

but they can just watch me rise from the ground.

Like a skyscraper!

like a skyscraper!

I shall rise again right and from this ground,

without a sound.

You can make me sad,

but I wont go down.

You can say that I am bad,

but remember that I will rise from the ground,

without a sound.

And I don't care if your mad,

because my happiness is found.

I will be rising (X3)

My happiness just turns around in a flash;

all they can do is to enjoy my life crash,

as if my heart is made out of glass.

As if it can be thrown away like a piece of paper.

They might try to drag me down,

but they can just watch me rise from the ground.

Like a skyscraper!

like a skyscraper!

Some people just love to watch me die;

giving my life away every time I cry,

as if my heart is made out of glass.

As if it can be thrown away like a piece of paper.

They might try to drag me down,

but they can just watch me rise from the ground.

Like a skyscraper!

like a skyscraper!

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