An Infectious Ideology

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It was the day, the day I make the choice to end everything. It's not an easy choice to make. Monster or not, I don't know if I can do it. I've been standing in front of the mirror fixing my wig and makeup for an hour already trying to get the courage. It's easy to say I'm going to do it, it's  harder to pull the trigger.

"Can you do this?" Elliot asked appearing behind me. He gently tucked the hair of my wig behind my ear, he could tell I was breaking down.

"Honestly? I don't know. I've done things Elliot, terrible things, but they were for survival. Is this justice or is it revenge?" I sighed heavily before turning to face him. He touched my face tenderly, he was trying, and I appreciated it.

"We can stick to the plan, let sterling arrest him." Elliot reasoned with me. "It's your call. This is your decision and me, the team, we'll support you."

"Do you think she's dead?" I asked turning back to the mirror to finish my makeup.  "You worked for him, she's dead isn't she?"

"I don't think there's much chance she's still alive. We haven't heard anything from him. There's been nothing at the ranch, it doesn't look good." Elliot walked up to the counter as he spoke. Gently touching my arm as he said it all.

"Is killing him the right thing to do? How long until someone takes his place? Sophie's told me about a lot of your past jobs, how they work, I want to stay. I want to be better than I am, is killing Moroe the start I want to this?" I turned towards him, the words pouring out of my mouth before I could think.

"I can't answer those questions for you. You need to breathe for starters. We still have some time, do you want to talk to the team again?" He asked brushing the hair out of my face.

I just nodded before he walked off to call the meeting. I thought it would be easy when this day came. But since meeting Elliot, I've learned nothing is easy anymore. My black white world is now in brilliant technicolor.

Within a couple minutes there was a knock at the door. I took a deep breath walking out ready for whatever came next. I could do this.

"She's not going to shoot him?" Nate asked walking in as everyone shuffled in behind him. His voice almost indicated he never thought I'd do it.

"You don't kill, and I need to do things like you do. I want him dead, but I can't do it. The world isn't black and white anymore. Since meeting you, my world is some how in technicolor. I want to be better, I know I can be better." I sat down on the bed as the wheels turned in Nate's head. He looked at me for a minute before smiling, everyone else was silent waiting until they needed to give input.

"We can't be better, that's it." Nate looked to me and Elliot with excitement in his voice gaining confused looks from all of us. "Kara I need you to dress Parker up."

"Nate, what are you planning?" Sophie asked smirking, it's the first words I've really heard her say to him. Nate was getting his spark back.

"We're going to steal his sanity." Nate said as his plan came together. " We have a couple more days. First we have to steal a hotel."

And with that the new plan was born. Nate was right, we had to do things his way. The plan was simple, in theory that is. We take over the hotel he's in, take over the news broadcasts going into his room and put the hotel on lockdown. The 7th floor is conveniently closed for renovations. We have him moved floors and we have total control.

We would fake a viral outbreak in the hotel of his mutated virus. We would put a minor poison in the water and mini bar to illicit the symptoms we wanted. This was something I used to be good at. Then, the CDC knocks on the door, hazmat suits and the nines. We could panic him into a confession if we do it right. When he's about to break, I'll come in and offer him redemption in exchange for a confession. I don't know if it will work but it's better than murder. At least then I know what happened to Kayte.

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