The Knights Of The Round Table

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"Well, we're gonna have to cut it open."  Sophie sipped her tea gesturing to it as we all gathered around the bear.

"Shit, I didn't think about that. I don't know if I can do that." I turned my head staring at the only thing I had left of my family.

"I'm with Kara, no one touches the bear" Parker practically shouted grabbing it and clinging to it for dear life.

"I won't hurt it, just a little surgery." Hardison tried coaxing it from Parker with a smile. It seemed like the two of them were close.

"Fine just don't hurt him." She reluctantly handed him my bear still pouting. She came across more child like than I was expecting. I suppose none of them are exactly what I expected.

Hardison carefully opened the seam on the back with Elliot's pocket knife, just enough to reach inside. He sat digging for a minute before pulling something small and black out. He held it up smiling while we all stood watching.

"Bingo baby, one flash drive full of hopefully incriminating evidence." Hardison smiled before plugging it into the laptop sitting on the table. "Now let's see what was worth murdering a family and kidnapping a paraplegic for."

We all sat practically holding our breathe waiting for him to go through the information on the drive.  Before anyone could ask his eyes got wide as he shook his head.

"I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking at but it ain't good. I don't know what your father was doing but this definitely isn't accounting." He looked to Nate genuinely worried,  I turned the laptop to myself trying to see what he'd found. My eyes couldn't believe what I was looking at. It was far worse than I ever could've imagined.

"Fuck, fuck fuck this isn't good. Goddammit, we're screwed. This is bio terrorism at its very core. It's a sequence of smallpox that's been altered. Along with a vaccine. It looks unfinished, but I'm guessing he needs this to finish it. If he got this, he could kill millions if not billions. He could sell us salvation at whatever price he wanted." I frantically sputtered reading over the files. The table was silent as they all took turns looking at the files.

"Nate, we have to stop him" Sophie quietly spoke staring wide eyed. It was true fear on her face, there was no hiding it.

"I've conned a lot of people to survive but this is bigger than just me, and, I can't do this on my own. I know you all have every reason to shoot me, or leave me here on my own, but if he's looking for this, it means he's planning something catastrophic. Please, I can't, I can't figure this out on my own." I pleaded looking up at them. Everyone looked at each other, then to Elliot who was leaned against the fridge with a beer in his hand.

"Show of hands." Nate spoke up looking to each of his team members. One by one they all raised their hands, including Elliot. "Okay, let's make a plan."

"I know how we start this, I don't know how to finish it, but I know how to start it." I closed the laptop before standing up from my chair, looking back to Elliot with an apologetic glance.

"Alright, let's go steal an idea because I've got nothing. Elliot she's your girlfriend figure it out." I heard Nate say as I took off down the hall to the basement. 

One by one they all filed in taking their places in the room. Nate and Sophie sat on the couch in the corner, Parker in my beanbag, and Hardison sat in the other desk chair. Elliot on the other hand just hovered in the corner by the steps, almost as if he was worried someone would come busting in.

"I've been keeping tabs on the people connected to him, I know for sure governor Jackson is in his pocket. He has been since before he got elected." I explained as I pulled things up on the computer screen. "He's in town this weekend, he always stops at this hotel with a bar on 9th street. They have live music on the weekends."

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