The Backbone

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My plan has been going better than I ever thought. We'd been spending more and more time together. Dinner dates, movies, and a concert here and there. Elliot kept me at arms length, and I was pretending to fall head over heels. He didn't push for sex, a stolen Kiss here and there but he was kind, and gentle which was shocking.

I'm afraid I'm going to fail the mission I've had for the last decade. These past few weeks have been the most fun I've had in years. Genuine fun, and I hate it. But I'm not giving up my mission. I'm not letting him continue to go on feeling like a hero when I wake up every night screaming because of him.

"Kara, are you okay?" Kayte's voice broke my thoughts as I laid under the big oak tree behind our house. She carefully sat next to me brushing my hair from my face.

"I'm okay, I was just thinking about everything that's happened to lead me to this. What if I lose my nerve? I'm so close to having him hooked." I rang out sitting up from my cozy spot in the grass.  I adjusted myself crossing my legs in the process.

"If you have to stop, we can, it's not worth you losing any more of your sanity Kar" Kay comforted me wrapping her arm around me.  "We can just invite him over, shoot him in his pretty little face and bury the body right here."

"God Kay, when did you turn into a psychopath on me?" I teased nudging her, getting a little giggle out of her.

"Last Tuesday" she nudged me back laughing while we went back and forth.

I'd be lost without her. She's the only reason I'm not a serial killer or locked up in a looney bin. She's been on my side since the moment we met. We went through all the scary surgeries together, her and her parents were the only ones waiting for me when I'd wake up.

They would've taken me in if they could've afforded to, they loved me even when no one else did, when I hated myself. If Kayte's mom ever knew, knew what I've done to survive, I don't think I could ever face her again.

Kayte and I spent our morning cleaning stalls and doing general farm chores. Elliot was supposed to come by to go for a ride this afternoon. Inviting him back here was all part of the plan. He's the entire reason I bought this place.

It was about one in the afternoon when I heard the tires come rolling up the driveway. I cursed under my breath when I realized, he's early. I quickly ran into the house leaving Kayte laughing.  I was stripped and in the shower dumping body wash on myself wasting half the bottle, all in less than a minute.

It took all of five minutes for me to be out and dressed. I threw my messy locks into a bun and wrapped a bandanna around them. By the time I walked out Elliot was shaking Kay's hand.

"Hey, you're early Lancelot." I joked as I walked up getting a smile back from him.

"I'm sorry traffic wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." He stepped closer wrapping an arm around me. He pulled my closer looking down smiling at me.

"I'm gonna go shower, I'll see you two later, I'll have food on the table when you get back." Kayte excused herself as she walked into the house leaving us to our lonesome. I had a feeling today would be the big day, the one where everything changed.

Elliot and I walked with his arm still around me down to the barn. This was the first time he'd been out to the farm, he already seemed at home though. We walked past all the horses, he stopped to touch a few, smiling as he did.

"Who are we taking out?" He asked playing with the  palomino on the end. She was feisty but overall a good horse.

"I'm taking stardust, you can take anyone you want. They're all pretty good on the trail, except the one in the first stall. She's a little jumpy." I explained pointing to the little pinto across from us, and then pointing out the only problem horse in the barn.

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