Chapter 5 : the alliance part 2

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At the time Lavanya left  Darshan's office...he called his guard In  who was responsible for closing the door of  the meeting room.... Darshan was already agitated and he dumped all his frustration on the poor fellow.....


I can't believe you locked the door while I was in a meeting room with my rival  Lavanya  and we were stuck in the room together for who knows how long, because of that i really got irritated. And what's worse is you knew that I will be very angry if something like this happened but you still locked that door without my permission. I don't want to see your face for a few days and i don't want any excuses i will cut your salary for the next month.

Guard:( scared)

But was it my mistake I usually lock that door at that time only as per your orders ... I seriously didn't knew you both were still in there.... Just spare me this once....

Darshan (shouting):

you idiot you thought you could trap me in that meeting room with my rival? But you should have thought about the consequences of your action. You are my servant you should follow my orders. So i will cut your salary in half and you will feel sorry for your actions. And if you don't wanna get fired I suggest you don't show your face to me for a few days ... You're dismissed...

Meanwhile Ayan  entered  the office while that poor fellow scurried off his office.

Ayan with a stern expression, confronted Darshan about the salary cut for the clerk after the lock-up incident with Lavanya


Darshan, cutting the clerk's salary because of the meeting room incident was extreme. What was the rationale behind it?


I needed to show consequences. That incident reflected poorly on the company, and someone had to bear the repercussions.

Ayan (raised an eyebrow) :

But punishing an innocent guard? That seems arbitrary. What message are we sending to the team?

Darshan (shrugged) :

It's about maintaining discipline. We can't have people taking our workplace lightly. Tough measures are sometimes necessary.

Ayan( pressed on):

Now you're calm but this isn't right Darshan you can't lose your temper.
There are better ways to handle such matters. This decision undermines morale and trust within the team. We need to reconsider the impact on our employees.

Darshan( reluctantly admitted):

Maybe I acted impulsively. But it's done now. We need to move forward, and everyone will learn from it. And leave I need some time alone ...


You did what you thought was right but now if you have cooled down let's go you can't avoid your family forever.
You'll have to face them eventually... Fine we won't go to your house  if you need more time let's go to our farmhouse then Shivam is already there...

Darshan, reluctantly agreeing, headed farmhouse with Ayan. As they arrived, Shivam,  their  cheeky  friend and business partner, greeted them with a grin.


Well, well, what drama do we have here? Ayan, enlighten me.

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