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Evangeline swiftly navigates the sprawling facility, maneuvering through dimly-lit corners and sections cloaked in impenetrable darkness. Alarms persistently wail in the background, creating an atmosphere of urgency. Uncertain of her precise destination, she scans for any signs or indicators pointing to the lab housing Stark and Banner, along with the crucial USB drive.

Amid the chaotic pursuit, a disapproving voice interrupts her thoughts. "Your human emotions are nauseating, Evangeline. What's with the somberness? You should maintain focus," Ultron remarks, alluding to Eva's underlying guilt over Steve's fate back in the conference and holding rooms.

Her reaction is immediate; she flinches at the intrusion of Ultron's voice into her consciousness. Undeterred, she swiftly regains composure as she approaches yet another door, determined to press forward. The pulsating alarms serve as a relentless backdrop to her mission.

"Don't make me reconsider helping you, Ultron," she warns with a subtle roll of her eyes, a clear assertion of her independence and the delicate balance of their alliance.

"You and I both know, Evangeline, you don't have a choice in this," he retorts with a deadly serious tone, accompanied by an underlying hint of humor. Despite the provocation, she clenches her jaw, resisting the urge to engage, and instead, shakes her head in a deliberate gesture as she descends the stairs with purpose, taking two steps at a time.

"We only have minutes to execute this plan. The compound is on lockdown; the others will be alerted," Eva reminds the AI within her mind, emphasizing the urgency of their situation and quickening her pace.

Ultron, sensing her determination, begins to offer crucial instructions. "You need to reach Stark's lab. The nitrous oxide would've been released from the drive upon insertion into the computer system down there. Both Stark and Banner should be temporarily incapacitated... for now."

Eva's brows furrow as Ultron reveals the additional effects of the drive he assisted her in creating. She swiftly descends the final steps and dashes toward another door, propelled by a newfound urgency.

"Clearly, you've thought of everything," she drawls, her tone heavy with sarcasm, as she spots a vast frosted windowed wall ahead. Another door beckons, revealing the entrance to Stark's lab. Stepping inside, she takes a moment to steady her breath.

Within the lab, Eva immediately notices the scientists sprawled on the floor, just as Ultron had forewarned. Swallowing hard, she averts her gaze and proceeds slowly towards the computer systems.

"Ultron, what's to say this gas won't knock me out?" she queries, detecting a peculiar tang in the air.

"Just hold your damn breath, Evangeline, and it won't," Ultron replies with an irritated sigh, dismissing what he perceives as an unnecessary concern.

Expressing her frustration with a low groan in response to Ultron's impatience, she raises the inside of her elbow to her nose, limiting her intake of the toxic air. Now by the computers, Eva steps over the unconscious form of Banner and swiftly unplugs the fake drive from the port, halting the release of any more gas into the room.

"Right, now what?" Eva breathes, eager for her next command.

"Well, take out the actual drive from your pocket, Evangeline," Ultron sighs again, his impatience evident. "Seriously, am I going to have to take you step by step through this?"

Eva scowls in response, restraining herself from snapping back. She complies with his instruction, retrieving the genuine USB drive from her pocket—the one she initially handed over to Steve, unbeknownst to Ultron. In the holding room demonstration with the Avengers, she skillfully swiped the drive from the table, deftly substituting it with the fake one as their attention was diverted by Natasha's near confrontation with Stark.

𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ~ Steve Rogers Where stories live. Discover now