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First period is over the teacher is already left the classroom, everyone is chatting with eachother while Lisa was looking at them with pout, she looks beside her just to see Suga is spinning his fingers on banch, drawing his imagination

She smiled looking at him and decided to talk

"Hye!" She exclaimed while turning at his side, Suga nervously eyeing at her, he bite his lips and lowered his head so Lisa also lowered her head at his side looking at him, looking Lisa like this Suga immediately sit straight head is facing his front

"Okay..let me tell uh I'm saying 'Hye' to you mister" Lisa said to him making obvious sound

"Did uh want to make a lot of friends??" Suga directly asked looking straight into Lisa's eyes to find the real answer Lisa stunned at her place like instead of saying hye he's asking this kind of questions

''ywah I mean yup ofcourse and let's start with uh" Lisa nervously replied and extanded her hand.

Suga looked at her hands in judgement eyes and then her Lisa pursued her lips then suga scoffed and turned

"Then stay away" he said and turned to window side and Lisa looked at him dumbfounded so this is what she got at her first day

Not really...


•lisa's pov•

Bell rang and everyone started to packing their things and that time I realised that it's lunch break yahhh

I was putting my book inside my bag then someone Said

"Excuse me please" I looked up and found my seatmate holding his lunch box and green water bottle like a child like really it's just a second that bell has ranged

"Huh?!" Confusion all over my face

"Stand up I have to go" he said and I realised if he wants to go first I have to go from this banch I gave him a little place to go and he ran out of the class but then teacher said something to him

"Did uh focused on lacture suga?!" Teacher asked he turned and said

"Not really " whattt he just said this and ran out like just what

Okay he left already I'm wondering he has no friends but still so excited for lunch like he was waiting for this from years

Whatever the main thing is with whom will I sit?! I don't know any of them nor they know me and I think no one is even interested but who cares

I was packing my thing In my thoughts then I heard a loud band on my banch I flinched and I looked at the hand which was now placed at the banch

Hand...a viney hand has a silver ring in the long index finger wow...I looked up just to see the owner and found....a boy

A boy with brown hairs ohhh godd what is he doing here?! I mean he must be a model and do a role In movies he's cute his lips is thin but perfact, has uniform on but still look like a kdrama actor

Everything is beside but his eyes...his colour is grey he's looking perfect I was in my thoughts then I heard a deep voice

"Hye" he said. Omoo goshh wait what the hell is happening with me?!

"Hye" I replied him back and see him smirking wait...


"Wanna join me in break?!" He asked no hesitation is known

Omoo a cute and charming boy is asking me for join him... oh god what do I do?!

"Sure!" This is all I could say

"Okayyyyyyy then!" He said and flashed his smile omooo his smile is so good


We were now in the ground where everyone is sitting in groups, I see he put his lunch box on particular place I followed him and put my box he smiled at me and made his towards washing tab I followed him and stand there beside him washing my hands

"name?!" He asked me I looked at him and smiled

"Lisa" I said and he smiled

But then I feel another presence beside me I thought it would be another student but still I looked my beside and see my seatmate Suga!!

I was looking him he was looking so innocent I smiled and there that boy with me was talking but I was in Suga

"Ohooo opppa do fast" I turned and looked a girl is standing there she's not in our class must me another class wait whatt?! Oppa?!?

"Yahh coming..have uh washed ur hands??!" Suga asked to that girl I think his girlfriend maybe *eye roll*

"Yah I did...come on now" she whined

"I'm done let's go" he said started to walk that girl ran to their place

"Princess slow down.. don't run" Suga shouted and what he said

Princess?!??! My foot

Wait what the hell has happened with me ohh godd have some Marcy

"Hellooo hellloo helllo" I looked my beside and found that grey eyes boy saying this near my ears

"Are uh here miss Lisa?!" He said

"Yah yh" I simply replied

"Shall we go?!" He politely asked

"Yah" I replied


We settled down ourselves on grounds he opened his lunch box revealing sandwich ahmmm I opened my tiffin and found fresh fruits hmm

"Let's eat" he said and clasped his hands and I smiled

I turned just to see suga I saw him drinking water from a Barbie bottle wait..

Barbie bottle?!?

Ohh I think he's drinking his girlfriend's water huh..

And that was the time I realised that when he was washing his hands beside me that time he didn't even glanced at me and me?!....I was looking at him like a mad ohhh goddd

One more thing I noticed that he's sitting with 2 person a girl who is his girlfriend and second a boy which I don't know his back is facing me so I didn't see his face but Suga is looking really happy with them,

And that time I first saw him smiling widely!!

"Ummm did uh like this school?!" He asked and I came back to my senses 

Ok let me focus on him

"Kinda" I replied and added "what is ur name?!" I asked while chewing

"My name is taehyung...kim taehyung " he said and smile cutely

"Taehyung...nice name" I repeated and felt nice

"Umm uh sit alone here?!" I hesitately asked and he noticed

"Not at all...I have lot of friends but I dont sit with them...I sit with Henna " he said and again flashed his smile

"Where is she then?!" I asked looking around for that girl

"She's absent today" he said and took his sandwich

"Ohhk" I said in understanding tone

Like this we spend our...no no my first lunch break here..me taehyung is kinda friendly now he's so good really
I was only laughing when I was with him, he's so funny and I'm blessed that at my first day I got this kind of friend..


Let's end here...this chapter

Ik it's late and short also
I'm busy right here umm cholly!

Was it too late?!


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