take me

254 7 0

it was a basic monday, recover from doing jack shit the previous day, and running my errands; mainly my coffee runs.

i don't drive. i don't know how to and i've never tried. so i walk to the local town, roughly a 35 minute walk if i don't stop every five minutes to take a call from my mom telling me to be safe.

i arrived in the town and made my way to my favourite coffee shop, 'NJ caffe' i walked in and went to the register
"hey can i get a latte please?" i say to the boy working the till,

"of course can i take a name?"

"y/n" i smiled and waited for my coffee.

once i got my coffee i thanked the boy and walked out onto the busy street,

my phone started ringing, i picked it up, of course it was my mother.

"hey mom i'm walking back now, won't be long"
"okay hon, be careful"
then she ended the phone

"shit! i'm so sorry i wasn't looking where i was going!" i only had to go and fuck up by walking into someone.

"it's okay, love. what's got you in a hurry?"
"my mom" i laughed
"well then your excused" he laughed along with me
"you are?" he asked me

"oh, i'm y/n l/n you?"
"well we'll save that for next time shall we" he said as he walked away

"strange" i muttered to myself.

i started my walk back home but i couldn't help like i was being watched, maybe i was just paranoid, it was getting dark out after all.

his pov:

"rex, do me a favour and go to palpatines meeting for me, im caught up with paperwork" i asked my close friend
"of course, anakin"

i kept my distance, this girl.
something about her has me hooked.

i started walking behind her, following her, it was quite dark so i don't believe she could see me.

i saw her walk into a house, i wrote down the address in my phone and went back to my own home.

y/ns pov:

"mom! i'm home"
"just in time! dinners ready"

time skip 2 weeks:

it was one of those sleepless nights. i checked my alarm, it was 2:00 am, i could hear the rest of my family sleeping soundly. i got out of bed to fetch some water from downstairs.

i grabbed a glass from the cupboard, i heard a tapping sound, i turned around quickly, i looked into the night all i saw was the barrel of a gun, tapping on the window beside the front door.

"shit" i whispered to myself

i stepped closer to the window, i could barely make out a face.

the person on the other side of the window was motioning to the door with the gun.

i had no idea what to do.

"open the door or your family dies" i heard the muffled voice through the window

i reached for the door handle, and opened the door.

i was shaking.

"i'm glad to see you made the right decision, love."

i know this voice

"who are you?" i asked

"no questions please" he replied

"why are you here?" i asked again.

"i'm here for you, you have the option of coming with me willingly or i take you"

"and if i chose neither?"

"your family dies. it's simple really"

"o-okay, i'll come with you" i said as i felt a tear roll down my cheek

"no need to cry love, this is a happy new beginning" he said holding onto my arm tightly

"this will only hurt a little" he said gripping my arm tighter, he pulled out a syringe and put it into my arm.

i hissed in pain, it had been a while since i last got immunisation shots.

my vision started fading, i was finally falling asleep.

stalker. mafia!anakin skywalker  x reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя