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i had been staying with my family for a few months now, occasionally receiving the odd bunch of flowers always signed with an A.

i'd be lying if i said i didnt miss him, the last bouquet was a month ago. and i knew he could get himself into serious trouble, i mustn't think of the worst.

i went for my morning run, i had picked it up when i first got back, every morning at 5 AM, id go for a run to my nearest coffee shop and back.

on my run i noticed a van, i only noticed it because we don't usually get any type of vehicles this early in the morning, i just assumed they were lost.

i made it to the coffee shop, refilled my water and began my run back.

when i got nearer to home i noticed the van from before pulled over to the side of the road, i slowed down my pace to see what the issue is.

"hey is everything alright?"

"my car has broke down" the man said whilst still sitting in the drivers seat.

"um okay, did you need me to call anyone for you?"

"that is not necessary"

i began to walk back home, the man creeped me out a little.

i heard steps behind me and immediately picked up my pace but he was too fast, he grabbed my hair and pulled me down on the ground.

from there he pinned me down and tied both my hands together before hitting me on the head with the end of a gun.

when i woke up i was on a floor, a very cold one at that.

i opened my eyes and tried to push myself off the ground but my hands were bound to the wall.

i looked around and saw nothing but pitch black.

"hello?" i whispered out into the air

i didn't hear anything but excessive mumbling, it terrified me, they sounded terrified.

"ah your finally awake. i thought my men had killed you"

the light flicked on.

there he was, the man who had taken me.

standing in the doorway, i looked around and saw endless amounts of what looked like torture devices, and a few feet away from me was anakin. he looked bloodied and bruised, his head hung low whilst both his arms were suspended to the ceiling. his shirt was non existent, and his trousers had holes in them all shapes, his torso was covered in blood and scratches, i was truly sorry for him in this moment.

"mr.skywalker! your lady friend is here wake up!" the man said walking over to anakin with something in his hand,

it was a taser.

anakin screamed out in pain and i couldn't do anything to help him

"stop! please!" i shouted at the man, but it only encouraged him more.

"answer me when i'm talking to you skywalker!"

"yes! yes! i heard!" he screamed out in agony "just please don't hurt her" he whimpered

the man came over to me and released my hands, only to place them on a longer chain, and then he left, i heard him lock the door behind him.

"a-anakin, how did you get here?" i said walking up to him, thanks to the new chain, and cupping his bloodied face

"business deal gone wrong" he wheezed

"why? how?"

" i took something of theirs, now they've taken something of mine"

"well it's fair now, why aren't they letting you leave"

"because they've taken you, in replacement of me, and the only way they let us both go is if i give them my men, not happening"

"can't we escape somehow?"

"i'm working on it, don't you worry love we'll be safe and sound together before the week ends"

" so how long have you been here?"

"around about a month, i'm surprised i haven't died yet" he cast his head down

"i missed you" i said, bringing his eyes to meet mine

i leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to his wounded cheek, he hummed in appreciation.

the door opened suddenly and the man from before came in.

"time for fun" he said grabbing the back of anakins neck and tasing his stomach

"because it's your first time i'll go easy on ya" he said walking towards me

"don't you dare hurt her" anakin shouted

the man lunged for me, landing right on top of me, before putting the taser to my ribs. i screamed out in agony, i had never felt a pain like this before. ever .

stalker. mafia!anakin skywalker  x reader Where stories live. Discover now