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A/N (imagine 'the man' as kenobi)
(i also wanna say that the house y/n and ani lived in when they were 'bf' 'gf' was not anakins actual home. that house is in anakins actual estate, he has a manor with 10 acres of field so that's where the house is, with tall fences so y/n could never see the manor, which also explains why she managed to run into the forest so quickly when she first escaped him)

i woke up on the same cold, hard floor. the room was spinning, my body was in so much pain it was unbearable.

"anakin" i whispered out to nothing

"im here y/n, how you feeling?"

"lots of pain" i wheezed before my eyes shut once more.


i watched as y/n fell back into her sleep, kenobi wouldn't stop hurting her. he wanted to see me break, not happening.

i managed to get one of my men working for kenobi, and every day i'm given updates on how our escape plan is coming along.

so all i need to do is wait.

kenobi opened the door and walked in, he had his irritating smirk slapped across his face

"morning skywalker, how's your little birdie?" kenobi said looking down at y/n

"fine. no thanks to you" i said,
if these chains weren't on me right now i'd gladly kill him with my bare hands.

"well i've got a business deal with some old buddies, i'll be out of town for a week, so will all my men, let's hope you can survive with no one feeding you" he laughed before tapping my face and leaving.


i heard my name, and my eyes shot wide open, anakin was staring at me. he was so close

"how did you get out?" i asked him

"don't you worry about that, we're leaving, do you think you can walk?"

i nodded my head before standing up, i looked down at my wrists and noticed the chains were missing.

i held onto anakins had as he pulled me out of the room and down a series of hallways.

"just up these stairs, then we're free" he said

we climbed the flight of stairs and pulled open one final door.

a van was waiting there for us, what if kenobi never left like anakin said he did? and kenobi was in this van waiting for us?

"don't worry love, it's for us"

he pulled open the door and helped me inside then walked round to the drivers side and got in himself.

the drive was pleasant, anakins hand was holding mine and he was smiling.

i couldn't tell you what he was smiling at but he did seem really happy.

"i can't believe your here" anakin said, briefly looking at me before returning his eyes to the road

"what do you mean?" i laughed

"your here, when we escaped you didn't say that you didn't want to come with me, you chose to come with me" he said smiling

"well of course i did, i've missed you"

"so your going to come back to my home with me?"

"if that's what you want, yeah" i squeezed his hand

"you know, i would love that".

"we're here" anakin whispered

he got out of the van and walked round to the passenger side, helping me out.

he held my hand as a few of his men came running to him

"mr.skywalker, pleasure to have you back, we really did try to get you out sooner but we couldn't without raising suspicion" one man said

"it's perfectly fine, piett, we're both glad to be back, but we'll both be needing rest so we will go into further detail tomorrow" anakin said to piett

piett nodded his head and walked back to his station outside.

anakin walked me up the stairs and into a room, i had never been here before, but it looked like a bedroom

"this is my bedroom" anakin said "if you wish to stay with me that would be lovely, but if you want your own room that can be put into place also"

"i wanna stay with you" i said looking into his eyes

he pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head

"i was hoping you'd say that, now let's get showered, i can't stand the smell of myself" he laughed

time skip (both of them are clean now)

i laid in his bed, and tangled myself in its black cotton sheets, anakin was on his phone, and i was just looking at him, admiring the man who would do anything for me.

"y/n, if you keep looking at me like that i will have no choice but to kiss you" he smiled as he turned his head towards me

"that's exactly what i'm waiting for" i joked

he grabbed my face in his hand and pushed his lips up against mine softly.

"that was perfect" he said to me

"your perfect" i said back

stalker. mafia!anakin skywalker  x reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang