now your mine

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"let me go anakin!" i fought against his grip

"fine" i sighed and walked with him

let's hope he trusts me, so that he can stop holding me, and when he stops holding me i can run.

"who was that woman?" i asked him

"padme amidala, a good friend of mine"

"and she was telling you to tell me something?"

"you know full well what she was referring to don't you?" he asked me sincerely

"yes, if only though, we did meet normally" i said slipping my arms from his

"yeah, i often think the same, love"

"so i guess your gonna keep me cooped in the house again? but this time i'll know i'm a prisoner"

"no, love, ill take you out wherever you want to go, i want us to work out, don't you want the same?"

"of course i do, but i really need time, maybe we could meet again soon, and restart everything."

i lied to him.
i didn't want 'us' to work.
i didn't want to even look at his face.

he kidnapped me.
he lied to me.
and now he's trying to do it all over again.

"y/n, if i let you go now, you promise we'll reconnect soon?"

"we can even set it at a time and date, i promise you ani."

"okay" he signed softly "i'll take you home so you can wash yourself up then i'll drive you back to your family"

"i thought you said they think i'm dead?"

"no, i wrote a letter to them saying you had run away"

my blood boiled.

"oh right, let's hope they're not upset when i get back"

stalker. mafia!anakin skywalker  x reader Where stories live. Discover now