🥀 S2 CH. Four; Practicality

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Deep within the choking darkness, a rumble of a roar vibrates through the walls that arch around us.
         The subtle shake causes dust to loosen and fall from the many crevices– something that only makes it harder to breathe down here.
         I pick at the dried blood on my hands, trying my best to distract myself from our current situation.
         Although, when you're trapped within the confines of a train tunnel, simply distracting yourself is not easy.

        I look over to where Dreadful sits leaning against the tunnel wall, armorless and topless– while Placid tries to wrap fresh bandages around his chest wound.
        "Stop whining so much," Placid scolds him, pulling the cloth tighter.
        "Ow! Stop being so rough!" Dreadful smacks Placid's hands away.
        The skull-masked operative mumbles under his breath as he stands up, soon tossing Dreadful's shirt back into his lap.
         I groan under my breath as I turn my head to look down to the operative lying before me– Sorrowful. He still hasn't woken up since a [NIGHT'S] bullet struck him in the head.
         While his breathing remains steady, with no way to feed or water him, he'll die of starvation before he can even think about waking up.
         Not only that, but between him, Dreadful, and the injured civilians... We are beginning to run low on clean bandages and antiseptic at a rather quick rate.
         We haven't dared to move since a group of four Night Operatives tried bombing the train four days ago.
         Just in the knick of time did the train manage to reach the safety of the tunnel, but halfway through we came to a stop... Worried of what may have been waiting for us to emerge on the other side.
          Now we are here, in almost complete darkness besides a few flashlights and a couple fires to give us light.
          The remaining civilians are packed inside the three box-cars– while us operatives sit outside the train, ready to defend our survivors against any uninvited guests.
          Nevertheless, I know help will arrive eventually, because I am positive that The [SUPREME LEADER] has located our whereabouts and has sought help from our allies... After all, every operative is equipped with a tracker, in order to keep tabs on us at all times.
          Though, I will admit... We're sitting ducks down here.

I crouch down while unhooking my radio, brushing my thumb over the array of buttons as I stare at it.
         The towers are most definitely down, yet I can't help but expect another abrupt call from our previous [CLEANER], [Name]. Because yesterday they managed to get a hold of Dreadful's radio.
         That crazy civilian... What are they thinking?
          With their call though, it filled myself and the others with hope. If [Name] is alive, that means The Doctor is as well– who we have not seen or heard from since two weeks ago.
         And we desperately need the actual doctor.

The last couple days before our doctor disappeared, we had received reported sightings of Night Operatives outside the city walls.
         The Doctor was called back to the city after he spent a month working within the secluded asylum. It was because if an attack did happen, we'd have the help of our doctor...
         He arrived and continued work like usual, but sometime after midnight Benevolent left with no warning– he told no one and left no letter of reason. He just took the train one early morning and departed from the city.
         Unstable flew out with the conductor and found the train abandoned, along with discovering that the asylum was empty besides a few test subjects running around.
         Even The [PILOT] couldn't bring himself close to understanding those incoherent creatures.
         They brought the train back, and it only left a mystery on the hands of us operatives.
         Our Supreme Leader could have very well told us his where-abouts... But he has kept any known information on the matter to himself.
         "It makes me feel a bit suspicious of what may be going on."

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