How it all Started

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It was at times like this that Hades hated the deal he made with Zeus to only have his wife persephone for six months. He was lonely and being surrounded by death didn't make the sense of loneliness any better. He tried to stay focus and count the days till his beloved wife was returned to him, but the pain being unbearable. 

So he left. He made a promise to not stay in the mortal world for long. Only there to see the beauty in what his wife was creating while she was away. But things don't always go as planned even for the Gods. 

Hades had broken his promise to himself not to stay long but he did not regret it at all because while he may be filled with guilt for spending time with another women, he had a child. A beautiful baby girl that he would make world cave in and crumble if anyone brought her harm. Soft obsidian black hair like her father, stormy gray eyes, fair skin. She might as well be a carbon copy of her father. 

Persephone was rightfully angry when she found out that the love of her life had conceived a child with a mortal, but understood as to why as when she was away from her love she felt the same unbearable pain he did. Only it was forbidden for Hades or any of his brothers to have children. So they kept it a secret. 

Hades loved his daughter since the night she was born, only that same night a storm so angry and volante came over the city of new york. Breaking windows of buildings, pulling trees out of the ground, and striking lighting at the statue of liberty just about setting it on fire. Told Hades and Persephone all they needed to know. 

Zeus Knew. 

What they didn't know was that it wasn't just Hades who had a child, but that Poseidon had also fallen for mortal and in nine months a new demigod would be born. 

This is the story of Cymbeline Sallow and Percy Jackson. 


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