I watched my best friend vaporize our teacher {1}

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Cymbeline POV

"Hi my names Cymbeline Sallow long first name I know. From what I remember my mother told me that my dad picked it why I don't really know he's not here. Kinda went ghost when I was a baby leaving my mom to raise me by herself until she met her best-friend Sally Jackson. Who's my best-friends mom, i'm one year older than him not by much only nine months to be exact. It was good that she and sally were really close because when I was ten me and her got into a really bad car accident and well uh... she didn't make it. Doctors were surprised that I was even alive since our car was struck by lighting. Yeah, you read it right it our car was struck by lighting." 

"Hey cymbeline what are you doing" Percy asked me hanging halfway off of the back of my seat. "Damn it percy sit down, you know this bus driver nearly hits every single pot hole in new york" I told him as I smacked his head repeatedly with my journal. Laughing a little when he winced and held his hands up in surrender sitting back down next to grover. "Ow, ok ok". 

"And to answer your question Mr. Percy Jackson I'm journaling you know in case something happens to me a part of me lives on" I said while looking back at him "We don't live forever someday we're all going to die and I want to live on even if it's by words" I hummed out as I was putting my book aways and getting ready to hop of the bus. 

"I mean I get it but were still young right it's not like we're gonna die today" Grover said while looking at percy "Right". 

"I don't know man with Cymbeline anything is possible- hey Ow Stop hitting me" Percy whined after being hit in the head again only with my bag this time. "Never" I sang while stepping out of the bus and into the greek museum. Percy and grover following along with me. Life was nice but there was something about the afterlife that fascinated me. It might be because I can see things that others can't hell even percy can't see, and he sees a lot of things and strangely I see them too. It's why were so close.

I mean yeah we grew up together since my mom died and i've been with the jacksons but it's not like I see him as a brother others would tell you that, but I can't it feels wrong to call him a brother. More like partner in crime. Yeah my partner in crime and nothing else.

"What you see here they are not fiction's, they are not fantasy's what you see here are the truest and deepest parts' of yourselves, friends the gods, the monsters, the hero's you see here in this room are reminders of what we are capable of, Now ...

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"What you see here they are not fiction's, they are not fantasy's what you see here are the truest and deepest parts' of yourselves, friends the gods, the monsters, the hero's you see here in this room are reminders of what we are capable of, Now on your worksheets I want you to choose one of the subjects you see here and describe it not just how it looks but how it makes you feel." 

Wow now that was a speech props to the man in the wheelchair. I look around to scan the room and then back at my worksheet feeling a bit weird because now's the time my eyes want to act up and make all the words jump around like in those ABC videos you put on for babies. Putting my clipboard down and digging into my bag I look for my glasses while percy stands next to me. 

"Percy" Our teacher calls out making me stand back up and look at him. 

"Mom" he calls out looking behind him then at me. "I'm right here sweetie mommy's here" Nancy teases causing a few around us to laugh. "¡Oye!" I call out to her making her jump "Piss off Bobafatt" I tell her making percy smirk. "It's Bobofit four eyes" she cries out "Nah Bobafatt seems about right" I said to her while putting my hands in my pockets swaying back and forth. 

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