I watch my best friend vaporize my teacher (part 2)

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"Hey it was nice talking to you tony better luck next time" I call out to the cell behind me as I walked out seeing Percy in the lobby. Huh sally must have let percy pay to let me out I thought while I pulled at the heavy metal door.

*Cue loud ass buzzer sound*

Not even two steps in and i'm already getting pulled into percy's chest with him holding me as tight  as he could, that if he let me go I would disappear into nothing and to never be found again.   Wrapping my arms around him just as tightly never wanting to let go but I needed this stupid thing called air.

"Percy I can't breath" I tell him but being slightly muffled with my face pressed into his chest. "What, oh right sorry" he says letting me out of the hug but still holding my waist but what's strange is that now I have this weird feeling in my stomach that i've never felt before and It felt...new.

"Anyway, tell me what happened after I was so rudely dragged from the room" I ask tilting my head noticing a stray piece hair sticking out from his curly mop of hair, bugging me greatly. 

"Well we got kicked out and now were going to montauk... so let's go mom's in the car and it's storming" He said letting go of my waist not before patting my hip twice as if trying to usher me quicker making my heart race for some reason. I don't might have been something I ate yeah that.

After saying goodbye to Katie and grabbing my mugshot I booked it to gale's car 'accidently' getting muddy water inside but I could care less. "So I heard you said some pretty bad things" Sally said while turning to look back at me before staring the car to drive to montauk. "And some iffy things to grover".

"Yeah I did he lied on us" I told her while playing with my mothers ring. A habit that started after my therapist recommend it to me so that I could stop picking and clawing at my skin. I had gotten it after my mother died it was stated in her will, I remembered how much she loved this ring she said dad gave it to her. I may not know the guy but he had good taste for sure. A red garnet Kite ring with a Obsidian band, man did she love this ring I only hope I got it under better circumstances.

"I see" she muttered looking over at percy and seeing that he was asleep. "Cymbeline I want to ask you something" She asked looking at me through the rearview mirror. "What happened at the field trip today did you take a picture and see something" I look at her confused. "How do you know I saw something". She pulls over and stops the car and steps out and I get out of the car immediately getting soaked.

"How do you know I took a picture and saw something" I call out to her. "Cymbeline I am so sorry" She cries "I tried to protect you and percy, your mother, I told her not to drive that day that she could spend the night, you were so young we didn't think that they would find you so quickly" she paces back and forth then grabbing my shoulders tightly. "Sally, Miss sally w-what are you talking about what about my mom" I try to speak but my voice cracking greatly, we never talk of my mother it hurts to much to do so. So we all just agreed not to.

"Your not normal all of the stories I told you and percy about the gods, the monsters, everything about the greek mythology is true, it's why you and percy can see things that none of us can." She breathes out.

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