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Soft, fluffy...

I lean into the comfortable mattress, pulling the soft cushion closer to my chest.

Mmm... so soft... Wait. I don't have cushions on my bed...?

"Agh, so fucking bright" The cushion grumbled into my chest, causing my eyes to fly open and snap my head down-

It's a human head. A human boy's head. A blonde human boy's head with his face pressed up against my chest, soft breaths fanning my light skin.

Please don't tell me it's-

Pushing myself away, I sit up and look at the face of the boy whom I had apparently spent the night with. He rubs his eyes and yawns before a pair of dark brown eyes look at me with a tired, slight glare. Those same eyes widen upon seeing me, and before I know it we're both screaming.

"Where the fuck am I!? How did I get here?! Where's my shirt?!"

"Who the fuck are you!? What are you doing in my room!?"

After several moments of freaking out, there's only silence as we stare at each other. He might not have known who I was, but I sure did. How could I miss the school's favorite blonde, Lloyd Andilet?

"Shit, okay, I think I know what happened..." He finally said after a while, his face in his hand before looking at me through his fingers, those pericing dark eyes captivating me. Soon a cheeky smile crept onto his face as he grabbed his pillow and laid back down with it in his arms, watching me with half-lidded, sleepy eyes piercing into me and a lazy smile blooming on his face,

"Damn, you got really shitfaced yesterday. Wasn't that your first and like- only party ever?"

Party... that word alone jogged my memory, everything was a blur still, but everything before I drank was still relatively clear...

"Oh god." I manage to mumble out as all the memories slowly resurfaced.


My eyes are dry, unblinking at the dark screen before me, anticipating the jumpscare in my favorite horror movie I always watch at least 5 times a year, this being the 1st of the new year. I sit, biting my thumbnail as I wait for those creepy twins to appear, but instead, I'm thrown from my seat at a sudden sharp buzz from my phone.

"Holy shit! What the-" Being the stereotypical loser nerd, the only uses my phone has are searching tips and tricks for particularly hard quests in games on my compture, or texting my mother, which is bearly a use because I never go out anywhere anyways. So I was more than shocked when I saw an unfamiliar phone number with a small paragraph attached,




I squint at the huge letters, unfamiliar with the event, but familiar with the invitations. Despite being a loner, I somehow have gotten a few of these invites before, but it was like a grain of salt in the desert compared to the actually relevant people who party often at my school. Normally, the phone number and message would be discarded instantly, but the words Year 12's had me pondering. I've never gone to a party, unlike every other one of my schoolmates who started partying in year 10, some even younger.

Maybe it would be good for me? I scoff at my own stupid thoughts. How can partying be good for anyone? All you do is drink just under the amount that gets you alcohol poisoning and grind against anybody within proximity.

wish you were sober. (V2)Where stories live. Discover now