15 2 1

The florescent lighting of the bathroom reminded me of a sterilised hospital room as I entered with Lloyd's hand in mine.

I'm still not sure why I was holding it in the first place, but I played it off by letting go and looking for towels. Lloyd took no time to make himself comfortable by hopping onto the sink, swinging his long legs back and forth like a playful child.

After locating the crisp white towels, I turned to Lloyd, lips pouted as he looked around the bathroom, before my eyes trailed down to his soaked shirt. Letting out a quiet sigh, I forced my legs and arms to move over and start patting at the wet spot.

Seconds felt like hours as an uncomfortable silence blanketed us. The pounding music from outside was muffled, relieving some silence. I kept patting around the spot, not really sure how to effectively soak up the damage I had done before that deep voice above me sent unwilling shivers down my spine.

"So, you been to many parties lately?"

That question was typical for such a party boy like Llyod. I wasn't sure what to say. For anyone else I'd probably tell them I don't go to parties, but this was Lloyd Andilet, Who for some reason, made me a little self conscious. Okay, there was a reason. Because he's perfect.

"Not really, no." I opted to say. Lloyd let out a quiet chuckle. So subtle, yet still managed to sound like a symphony of angels.

"Good. Parties lately haven't been as great as before. Last year's with the old Year 12's are unmatched." He grins, pearly teeth and eyes glimmering. I contort my face into what I hoped was a grin, but probably looked like my face was melting.

"Haha, yeah..." I agreed, hoping to strengthen the notion that I was a very social person who got invited to gatherings like this. I immediately regretted it though, because Lloyd quickly dropped his smile to squint at me analytically. Silence crashed onto us so quickly I fumbled to the matter at hand, his shirt. It wasn't until a few good seconds later did he speak up again.

"You remember what Jessica did last year then? Man, I will never forget that." He chuckled lightly, eyes trained on me as I racked my brain for anything that could happen at a party that could be funny. There as at least a million, which one was it? Things were happening so fast I vomited out the first thing that came to mind.

"Oh yeah, she got up on the pool table and flashed everyone her boobs right?"

Lloyd looked stunned for a few seconds, while I was running laps in my brain screaming at my dumb ass response, until a loud laugh burst through my ears.

Lloyd had doubled over, laughing hysterically while I stood there stiff as a board, cringing at the fact he now knows I lied.

"Oh my god, that would have been then times better if she did!" He kept laughing, melting away the tension as I too, started laughing a bit. After a while he seemed to calmed down a bit, falling into a quiet but wide smile that looked like he was ready to burst into more laughter.

"So, why'd you lie about the party thing? Have you only been to a few? If so, that's alright, I won't judge."

I looked at him, bewildered.

"You- You really wouldn't? Even if i've never been to any?"

Lloyd raised an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"Why would I? Parties and loud social events aren't for everyone, obviously. I get that. Some of the guys downstairs wouldn't but that's cause they're immature dicks."

You hang out with those immature dicks. "Yeah... I guess you're right."

"So," He bends down closer, our faces less than 5 inches apart, "How many parties have you really been to Alex?"

I pause. He had caught me red handed. Was there any point in lying anymore? Sighing in defeat, I tell the truth,

"I've- um- never really been to one."

Again, that deafening silence falls onto us, making me want to smack my head against the wall.

"You've really never been to a party before?" He says lowly, like partying is the be all and end all in high school.

"No, never. I only came 'cause I wanted to experience it just once..." I awkwardly say, wrapping my arms around myself, feeling slightly judged.

Theres more silence. I contemplate if I should make a run for it. Just as I'm about to turn my heel, I feel something on my hand.

It's Lloyd's hand on mine. His skin is burning into my cold one. I feel him take my hands into his. I let my arms fall to my sides as I look at my hand engulfed in his.

"Maybe..." He starts. I can barely hear him. Suddenly, he yanks me against him, my other hand reacting by clasping onto his shoulder. I try to wriggle free, but his voice stops me.

"I'll give you everything you need tonight. Just this once right? Might as well make it the best." He whispered in my ear, hot breath fanning the shell of my ear.

My face is definitely tomato red, his lips not moving an inch from my ear. I embarrassingly shiver against him. Maybe it was the alcohol from before finally kicking in, but soon enough my head was rested on his head, my mouth only able to squeak out one word.


The last thing I remember clearly was his arm dragging me along, probably to get more drinks. I squeeze my eyes closed, trying to remember more as I sit uncomfortably on Lloyd's cushy bed. It doesn't help that his eyes are unmoving as he sits like a rock, staring intensely at me without the intention that of blinking.

Searching for anything from last night, I look back at him, stripped down to just his boxers. Then I look at myself. Shirt gone, but pants still attached to my body. Thinking over my observations, I try to get to a conclusion to what might have happened.

Then it hit me.

Fragment of his lips on mine, hot breath all over my neck, sloppy, impatient kisses all over. I remember the feeling of hands sneaking under my shirt, smooth hands running all over my torso. More aggressive kisses planted against my lips while a hand simultaneously tugs at the shirt.

I remember more, the suffocating feeling of the shirt, tearing it off me and letting those hot lips trail down my neck, to my chest, further until it reached my waist. And then-

I'm thrown back into reality as my head whiplashed to the idiot with a sultry smile, seeming to see I had figured out what had happened.

"You- You!!" Was all I could muster, face burning as I grabbed the pillow closest to me to smack him with. He laughed loudly, just as he did last night, the sound velvet smooth and deep.

"Chill out!" He laughed as his face was muffled by the pillow. "We didn't do much! You were drunk, I wasn't going to do anything more!"

I kept hitting him still, only gradually slowing down as my arms tired. When I finally stopped with the pillow still over his face. Moving it away, he stayed laying down, head resting in his hands . I sighed, looking down at him before curling into myself, head on my knees, arms wrapped around my legs.

"What are we gonna do now? I almost whispered.

Lloyd looked up at the ceiling as if in thought. I was a second away from thinking he was being serious before he opened his mouth and said,

"Wanna fuck?"

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God damn this took a while. I went away and kinda forgot I started this, which I low key regret now because school is beating my ass but oh well. Also updates will probably take a while. Sorry :^

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