Chapter 6 - Free the END, reveal the Creators

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Millennium awoke from his bed, wearied by yesterday's 'sparring' with Decade (with the quotes indicating a more intimate encounter). Donning a blue tie and black suit, he stepped out of his house, heading toward Haleth3's party. The festive atmosphere buzzed with excitement, but Millennium's focus was on extracting information.

Approaching Haleth3, Millennium cut straight to the chase, "Where do you think Notch and Mojang? Where are they located?"

Haleth3 responded cryptically, offering a riddle:

"In realms of blocks and pixels old,

Where builders crafted tales untold.

Eons past, the masters fled,

Into the End, where shadows spread.

Dark and tall, they waited there,

Evolved, transformed, in silent lair.

For one to come, a hero true,

To free them from the void they knew.

Ender dragon, guardian strong,

Must be slain, their chains undone.

Yet, hearts remained, forever scarred,

For gods departed, realms left charred.

To find the path, a quest profound,

Through Nether's heat and bedrock bound.

In fountains deep, where dreams entwine,

A journey starts, transcending time.

Jump into the unknown's embrace,

Dream as you fall through endless space.

To return home, seek Notch's grace,

Mojang's realm, a sacred place."

Deciphering the riddle, Millennium understood the quest ahead. Changing into his adventure gear, he embarked for the stronghold near the ancient city, Decade clinging to his back.

"Where are you going?" Decade inquired.

"To free your people and find the creators of this world, maybe even rediscover your own God," Millennium responded.

Decade, cautioning him about his people's altered state, explained, "My people are not what they seemed anymore. They can't speak well or understand. They can't build anymore. Our gods left us after we pleased them by stopping the war."

Millennium, undeterred, asserted, "Your Gods left because you finished your job. Mojang and Notch are the original Gods. The Gods you knew were just something they put you in. Mojang and Notch created Gods to create you."

Descending into the stronghold, Millennium confronted silverfish and pressed onward, guided by Decade's insight. Entering the portal room, he confronted the portal, missing an eye. With the last eye of ender, he activated the portal, plunging into the unknown.

"I'll handle the endermans. They are my people. You go get the enderdragon," Decade directed, possessing an enderman to aid in the distraction.

As Millennium stacked up into the pillars, he shot down the crystals, navigating the perilous battle with the enderdragon. The victory was hard-fought but achieved, and the fountain, fueled by the dragon's blood, awaited.

Taking a dive into the fountain, Millennium found himself in a realm where two familiar voices conversed.

Notch: "I see the player you mean."

Mojang: "Yes. Take care. It has reached a higher level now. It can read our thoughts."

What followed was a dialogue transcending reality, weaving through the creation of the player, the universe, and the intricate dance of code and existence.

The conversation concluded with:

Mojang: "You are the player."

Notch: "Wake up."

Suddenly back in his house, Millennium, dazed and confused, ventured out to find Notch and Mojang's Building in his City. The creators stood outside, leaving Millennium with the lingering question of White Eyes' cryptic message in his dream from yesterday.

'I am more ahead of you'

The tale continues, holding secrets yet to be unveiled.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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