A forgotten Memory

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I woke up from my bed, Almost forgetting what happened last night as I assume it was just a bad dream heck, a terrible one. His screams and cries echoed in my mind. Yet when I came back to the kitchen for supper I asked where my dear brother has gone to, in hopes it was all just a nightmare.

"Brother? You must have had a bad dream my dear, you have none."

Ma spoke.

"uhm.. How about zach?"

"hmm.. I dont remember a little one named zach."

I was baffled by her words. No brother? No zach? No nobody? Her words starts to rewind in my mind. No but I remember? I remember him so clearly, as if it was yesterday. After eating I hurry back to my bedroom to see that another child has been sleeping kio's bed. My brother's bed. I was confused.

I hurry outside of the orphanage near the forest where my brother initially passed away, yet I see no evidence of him existing. I saw the grass soaked in blood. His blood. I ran my finger's to touch the blood soaked grass yet when I layed a finger on it dissolved. Leaving no trace of him even existing.

I started going insane, going back to the turmoil that started the night before. It started building up rapidly that I couldn't take it no more.

I started trying to rapidly fine any evidence of him existing or even zach. I was desperate. desperate to show any of them existed to the grass, tentacles and even the painting my brother started to gaze at. As if that painting sort of hypnotized him.

The ghosts of memories filled the halls one again. Each one of them showing my brother and zach, their faces blurred of as if it was the spirit of them. Their voices so memorable.

I hurry back into my room, almost as if i was going insane. I wanted to be with him again. Just one last time I get to see him smile. One last time I get to hear his voice again. The thoughts of him echoed in my mind.

Hallucinations filling up my mind. Sometimes I could hear him. Feel him hugging me in the war. See him. Both of them. Infront of me, smiling. I need something to calm me down. Supper. Maybe.

After a few months the nightmares still won't stop. Ive gotten older so I started to have relationships, hoping I would just forget about the past. None of them work. All of them are just break up after break up. I've gotten so obsessed with people recently. I don't want them to go. I would just go to a different relationship after the other. It's gotten so bad recently that people now mistake me as a slut.

My first relationship. I met him in the orphanage, we were great friends. Past to the present. We started to develope feelings for eachother. After the pass of my brother.  We started dating. I shouldn't have. I wasn't in of the right mind. I wasn't ready yet.

"Cris, I know its been like a month but we need to break up."

"What? WHY?"

"Please, I just don't wanna be with you anymore."

"please don't leave. Please."

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